This is by far one of my faves. Lian Jue's char devt will be all worth the disappointment ...

Vidabels August 4, 2023 11:25 am

This is by far one of my faves. Lian Jue's char devt will be all worth the disappointment you had on him for forgetting Weiwei's bday. I cant wait to have this portrayed, I know they will miss a lot of things so read the novel.. The climax of the story also reveal alot of things. The translations were a bit off but I was still ugly crying bec it was so bittersweet. Lian Jue's emotions finally showing after weiwei's accident and disappearance, Weiwei coming into terms of the world he left behind and moving on.. and their reunion scene! I was crying so much on that part. I love that they covered everything except probably Lian Jue's adoptive family's side... There's not much highlight after the climax. I just dont get when they said that weiwei's doctor's license was revoked. He was a good doc to them. poor him.

    enryuu August 4, 2023 12:25 pm

    can you pls tell me when weiwei tell Lian jue that he's actually from another world? bcs I can't stand this kind of secret but this manhua is SOOO GOOODDD

    RottenElle August 4, 2023 1:09 pm

    hi, can you tell me which chapter of the novel is chapter 88? I want to read where I left off

    Vidabels August 4, 2023 1:19 pm
    can you pls tell me when weiwei tell Lian jue that he's actually from another world? bcs I can't stand this kind of secret but this manhua is SOOO GOOODDD enryuu


    It is in the epilogue in the novel, chapter 87. After Weiwei went back from his world. Tbh, I know the author might've wanted to do a comedic approach on this but it's kinda sad how Weiwei is struggling to explain where he was originally from and where he went when he disappeared. LianJue and Kang Tong kinda like not taking him seriously

    enryuu August 4, 2023 1:20 pm
    spoilerIt is in the epilogue in the novel, chapter 87. After Weiwei went back from his world. Tbh, I know the author might've wanted to do a comedic approach on this but it's kinda sad how Weiwei is struggling ... Vidabels

    damn... thank you for the spoiler tho :D

    Vidabels August 4, 2023 1:32 pm
    hi, can you tell me which chapter of the novel is chapter 88? I want to read where I left off RottenElle

    you can start at 75 in the novel

    Ash0111x August 4, 2023 8:15 pm


    I think the one who got their license revoked was Lian Jue's psychiatrist/therapist. I think it was for violating doctor - patient confidentiality protocols, Since his adoptive father knew of his illnesses when they confronted each other in the last chapters. I could be wrong tho, but this made sense to me than it being Wei Wei's doctor.

    Vidabels August 4, 2023 10:43 pm
    SpoilerI think the one who got their license revoked was Lian Jue's psychiatrist/therapist. I think it was for violating doctor - patient confidentiality protocols, Since his adoptive father knew of his illness... Ash0111x

    Yea thanks! I kinda realised it when I checked again. Coz the prev trans that I read was super off it that's why. Glad it was that doctor. Well deserved lol I bet it was Lian Jue who got that doc's license revoked

    RottenElle August 5, 2023 6:54 am
    you can start at 75 in the novel Vidabels

    i just realized you're the one I argued abt nokyoung

    RottenElle August 5, 2023 7:32 am
    i just realized you're the one I argued abt nokyoung RottenElle

    anw thank you! my comment got cut off after an emoji sjsksk

    Vidabels August 5, 2023 9:27 am
    anw thank you! my comment got cut off after an emoji sjsksk RottenElle

    Did you? hahaha I did not think that you were arguing with me just thought you were saying your piece lol. Dont sweat it too much

    Ash0111x August 5, 2023 7:45 pm
    Yea thanks! I kinda realised it when I checked again. Coz the prev trans that I read was super off it that's why. Glad it was that doctor. Well deserved lol I bet it was Lian Jue who got that doc's license revo... Vidabels

    Mine wasn't the best translation either, but thankfully it was sufficient. And yeah, it sucked that a doctor would do that.#-.-)

    CC2020 August 6, 2023 7:01 pm

    (⊙…⊙ )Give me spoiler, will weiwei lost is baby in that accident? ┗( T﹏T )┛

    CC2020 August 6, 2023 7:02 pm

    Please (⊙…⊙ )Give me spoiler, will weiwei lost is baby in that accident? ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Vidabels August 7, 2023 2:03 am
    Please (⊙…⊙ )Give me spoiler, will weiwei lost is baby in that accident? ┗( T﹏T )┛ CC2020

    No they did not. It was a healthy Alpha girl.