fr the foreign god shitty ngl but i recall horus saying he was his son too?? and remember that chapter where seth was crying to anibus saying sorry but saying a curse or smth?? later horus said i already forgave u bc u apoligized sm so i feel like maybe horus was his son at one point idfk-- if he was i feel bad for him cuz he just wanna be enough but no matter what he do its not enough for seth to love him, he only lovin anibus but IDKKKK maybe horus wasnt but from looking at the chapters i think he was????? idk just my theory

No Horus just doesn’t like Anubis. They’re siblings so naturally they’d fight over someone eventually, although he’s dumb and jealous of Seth loving his OWN SON. Haha. But anyways it’s ridiculous that those people hate Horus yet love the rapists. It’s okay to dislike Horus but then saying you like someone worse…hm.
for me, horus just becomes more and more dislikeable every chapter. anubis is his son!! he hasn't shown any interest in you!! i just don't see any chemistry between them. at this point i just want seth to be free and at peace with his family lol romance be damned!!!!
although i still like the foreign god ngl,,,,,,