I’m only staying for the ride because I want my big Megumi to survive But these new add...

chibileeannchan52894038 August 3, 2023 4:25 pm

I’m only staying for the ride because I want my big Megumi to survive
But these new add-on’s and so called powers characters already had are getting completely out of hand and it’s making this look like crappy writing
When is it going to end ?!?!

    Megumi's step mom August 4, 2023 1:04 am

    so much agree, the author tried so hard to make it look complicated -in a smart way- that it ended up being just messy imo

    blue_kiwijuicy August 11, 2023 3:02 am

    Just say you don't understand their powers. I enjoy every bit of it. The ppl who get it, get it. And the ppl who don't, can leave or stop complaining