Its bad but...

sam August 3, 2023 8:25 am

I came back to it after 2 years...i understood nothing back then...but after rereading...its pretty good at face value...what i have understood from just looking at the art and keeping reading the dialogues at minimum is...the uke has a hight insecurity. The seme who was a small "girly" boy had a crush on the uke back then. But since he tall and uke didn't recognise him he began a fight with him. As seme was shy about his past he went along. But in the end uke's siss outed his secret and then they fell in love...they kiss and then they fuk.

Pretty average but i like it coz it has a childhood friends tag. I am a sucker for that.

Idk if all this was obvious but yeah ...this manga just need some 'upgrades'...also the 2nd male lead is cute af.
