honestly I feel like Horus's feelings are wasted on someone like Seth and he needs to come to terms with that and get over them because Seth's main priority is Anubis and breaking the curse. Horus is being extremely unbearable these last few chapters
honestly I feel like Horus's feelings are wasted on someone like Seth and he needs to come to terms with that and get over them because Seth's main priority is Anubis and breaking the curse. Horus is being extr... Roxas_Nami
yeah, im hoping this would culminate in horus realizing he's not helping seth in any way with his jealousy, or that he shouldn't waste his time pining for someone who clearly doesn't like him, and either way, just leave.
like, i love seth and all, but horus's feelings also need to be validated, instead of seth turning it into another rant about himself