This ones for you jaepist aplogists mwah mwah xoxo kisses

yourbabe August 3, 2023 12:11 am

Warning extremely petty but idgaf ya'll thought cause i was gone a couple of weeks ya'll had seen the last of me? Sike bitch I'm back on my bullshit.

Now let's start.

The way Dan has to ask to simply sit down, like he hasn't been living with Jaekyung for the past few weeks, further proving that Dan isn't recognized as a human, he's a dog needing allowance to sit on the couch next to their owner.

The next page when Dan sits down, you can see the stiffness in his body.
If he moves the fucking dinosaur from Jurassic park aka Jakeyung will attack.
And also compare their body language to each other, Jakeyung is relaxed. While Dan is trying to make himself physically smaller while hunching himself to try to make himself less seen by Jaekyungs vision.

PG13 part2:
''i have never done anything likes this before''
what sit down??? sorry Dan but that was kind of a goofy ass question. lol but i still love you. Does Dan even fucking do anything in the house except being a fuck toy and slave to Jaekyung. He hasn't even sat down on the fucking couch. Jaekyung be like ''No Kim Dan's allowed on the couch.'' lol

Awerrrrerere my poor little red flag, aweee my porr little rapist cant go to sleep without his movies, so sad poor jaepist. only if he went to like something idk called i think its called uh the-the-therap-pist? Actually jaekyung doesnt need a therapist he already IS The Rapist, get it hahaha so fyunnt laugh pls.

''Have ypu been to the doctor for it''
What watching movies at night like 7 billion people don't do that everyday, another goofy point for that sorry Danny, but again till love you hihi.

''But having sex everyday is too much work''
Nahhh aint no way THE Joo Jakeyung said that, the literal ultimate rapist.

''relaxing means losing''
is that why you know much about it, because your a loser? Eyyy shots fired les gooo

''you still whine and cry every time we fuck''
So you agree when you ''fuck'' aka rape him he whines and cries, because of the pain you're causing too his literal body and intestines. dude, I have not seen Kim Dan use the bathroom a single time. you've fucked his ass so many times he doesn't produce shit anymore as a protective response to make it easier on his body. bitch doesn't even pee cause if he were to take out his penis to just pee for 2 second jaepist would come in and literally jerk off to him.

The way Dan literally gets so uncomfortable after what Jaekyung just said. He's blushing cause its fucking embarrassing. Would you like your rapist to bring up when they fucking raped you?

''this is your chance to speak cause I'm bored, go ahead''
So the only fucking time he ''listens'' to Dan is when he can zone out as he watches TV? bro is living in the 60s acting like he's got a wife complaining all the time to pick up the kids while he just sits on his ass and drinks beer in front of the TV watching reruns of those hallmark movies with the same fucking plot over and over again.

''c-could you maybe use condoms''
The fact that he even has to ask when a condom is the bare minimum when having sex, the way he says it so fearfully. Bitch literally has hiv++bros got super aids at this point. this is just sad. You shouldn't have to be so scared to ask your ''partner'' to use condoms, in a supposedly healthy and safe relationship, as some ''people'' like to call it.


(Jaekyungs horse cock is so big he wont feel a difference anyways, cause his dick will literally be spreading that silicone so thin it'll be like an ultra thin condom)

''Why you worried you'll get pregnant''

PG36 part2:
''What on earth''
LMAO EVEN DAN IS LIKE ''bros never heard of an std, lmao what a virgin L loser beta +ratio +you fell off + you got hit by ME''

''Watching my cum seep out of your hole is one of my fav sights in the world''
bro just use lube your brain is so small you prob wont even notice a difference.

''Back when we started, all you ever did was cry about how much it hurt but now-''
But now it doesn't even fucking matter cause you'll still do it with or without his consent.

''Is this a film or a porno? what timing...''
Bros acting like he didn't fucking pick the movie.

Dan when hes getting his nipples played buy jaepist.
Jaekyung :I'm gonna pretend like i didn't hear that
actually Jaekyung prob CANT hear what Dan is saying cause his fucking cauliflower ears.

Jaekyung sucking Dans nipple like he wants to drink milk from them, #mommyissues alert

Lets pause for a second, and all notice that this is prob the first/second time Dan has actually came, was without jaekyung fucking him.

Now that thats over with.


So we see a character named Heesung, He literally looks like dan with blond hair lmao. DANS LONG LOST BROTHER?!`!!+´?`if this dude is the same as jaekyung I'm gonna absolutely rip OFF EVERY SINGLE- ahhaha im gonna write a very strongly worded email to *burp* mingwa.

Anyways you don't need to defend rape we get it you have a rape kink just admit it lmaooo, people would prob respect you more in these comments if you admitted to it lol.

Sincerly :gossip girl cxxoxoxoxoxoox PK AHAHAHHA

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 12:35 am

    ^ You are the one defending rape. You are defending your rape pov with fanfic details of the story.
    The story is SA and very abusive. There is no rape. There is has to rape in it to be defending rape. You delusions it is rape and he is a rapist. The story says otherwise. Just admit you are defending your rape pov.
    Defending rape would not be saying there is not rape in a non-rape story. It is illogical. Keep looking uneducated.

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 12:38 am
    Educate yourself on rape apologist too. You are misusing it. We are not defending the seme.

    There are many pov.
    Rape vs not rape.
    To genuinely readers of Jinx that sees rape this topic is not meant for you. This is aimed at the cyber bullies/trolls but I know there are many genuine readers with this pov and I understand how you logical come to this conclusion. I seek civil conversations from you and want a professional conversation with you. Don’t mind what I say here as genuine readers I think you would be secure and know others would have different pov to not force them into something hideous pov. The trolls and cyber bullies have been harassing me and will gaslighting you
    —- genuine readers who sees it as rape please stop reading.

    Us: we read the story carefully see SA and abuse. There is no rape.
    You: you read the story see rape by cherry picking or using one perspective. You see rape.

    When you are defending your POV of rape and calling us rape defenders. It doesn’t make sense. You are defending rape being in a story that doesn’t support it. You are forcing your pov on others who doesn’t have that view.

    It is like preaching about God to an atheist. They don’t believe in God. It is an illogical argument.

    Calling us rape defender when there is no rape in the story and we see no rape is illogical.

    You see rape and you are forcing us to be rape defenders over your pov of rape. You are defending your pov of rape. You are defending rape. You are the rape defenders.

    The rape defenders are the ones trying to make an SA and abusive story about rape.

    Be respectful to others. Stop forcing your pov on others.
    If you think it is rape stop degrading the other side. We can be civil. Seek professional help if you think harming others is entertaining.

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:02 am
    ^ You are the one defending rape. You are defending your rape pov with fanfic details of the story. The story is SA and very abusive. There is no rape. There is has to rape in it to be defending rape. You delus... Tmsmyz

    are you ok? you sound like you're on crack, what are you talking about??

    there IS rape. and people are calling this "sexy" and saying that "they're color blind" refering to the fucking red flag that is the fighter character. SA, WHICH IS LITERALLY THE OFFICIAL TERM FOR RAPE, IS THE SAME THIS AS ABUSE AND RAPE.

    I have no idea if english is your first language but good GOD get your head out of your ass.

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:02 am

    thank you for your service bestie. this is GOLD

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:05 am

    LMAO Not them saying they're willing to talk calmly but every time someone new comes around with really good points and explain calmly with clarity, they immediately call you delusional, a troll, say they're a victim, and disregard everything you say We've given up. Not worth the effort.

    No one is forcing you to continue reading these comments and no one has EVER forced you to agree with us, as YOU are doing.
    Also, copy and pasting things IS spam. Stop spamming. Everyone's seen that paragraph like 4 times already.

    And for the record, no one was trolling UNTIL you got butthurt about it.
    You never gave room for respect or understanding in a conversation, so don't be upset when people are confused with your constant victim complex and don't want to try to talk with you anymore

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 1:08 am
    are you ok? you sound like you're on crack, what are you talking about??there IS rape. and people are calling this "sexy" and saying that "they're color blind" refering to the fucking red flag that is the fight... eddie (he/it)

    Can’t handle a civil conversation? Your lost. Your petty lies and insult degrades you. Rape is your pov. This is not sexy. Learn what SA is. Rape is a part of SA. But SA is more. I will educate you.
    Sounds like you have good advice for yourself since you are attacking and not talking and don’t know what SA is.

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 1:08 am

    I am going to add a quote. It is religious but try to understand. 
“Just because I don’t worship your particular god, doesn’t mean I worship your particular Satan. Satan is part of your delusion. Not mine.” 
I don’t believe in Satan. It is hilarious when people use Satan on me. Let’s change this quote to fit here: just because I don’t believe your particular pov, doesn’t mean I believe your particular beliefs. Rape in the story is your delusion. Not mine. 

You calling us rape defenders is hilarious but sad as it degrades you. You are attacking me with your pov and I don’t share your pov to be offended

    My bad! I used adult logic with and that quote. I need to post here. I need to use kid logic. 

Story: The cat is pretty. The dog is brave. The is smart. The dinosaur is big. The is small. 

Them: The green dinosaur ate them all. 

Us: There are no green dinosaurs in the the story to ate them all. 

Them: Green dinosaur defenders! Admit there is a green dinosaur. 

Truth: They are defending the green dinosaur because they are adding the green dinosaur or just seeing the blue dinosaur and not looking at the rest of the story then harassing others about it.

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:09 am

    Thanks for also listing the pages: it's informative and neat.

    Also. Others have reread it just to find more and more points to prove that there is in fact rape and SA in the chapters, and it still hasn't been calmly proven wrong. Just ignored and reported as trolling

    I myself was thinking of rereading since I was first told that I wasn't 'reading it correctly' after coming to that conclusion, but it isn't worth it anymore anyway.
    So. Thanks for this, go offff

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:10 am

    What the hell does that even mean dude.

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 1:12 am

    Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.

    Rape is not in the story. Actually read the story not your fantasies of the story.

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:13 am
    Can’t handle a civil conversation? Your lost. Your petty lies and insult degrades you. Rape is your pov. This is not sexy. Learn what SA is. Rape is a part of SA. But SA is more. I will educate you. Sounds ... Tmsmyz

    ok. let me educate you.

    The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape, Fondling or unwanted sexual touching, Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s body.

    Penetration of the victim’s body, also known as rape
    What is rape?
    Rape is a form of sexual assault, but not all sexual assault is rape. The term rape is often used as a legal definition to specifically include sexual penetration without consent. For its Uniform Crime Reports, the FBI defines rape as “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

    What are you not getting? RAPE, is a part of sexual assault. Literally, what is being done to Dan. Its not “my POV” if dozens of people on here are saying it is. If there's smoke, there's fire. Is there something im missing??

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:15 am
    Thanks for also listing the pages: it's informative and neat.Also. Others have reread it just to find more and more points to prove that there is in fact rape and SA in the chapters, and it still hasn't been ca... Sir donewithyoshit

    I am not usually this angry, but these people are WILLINGLY being ignorant and causing problems. Imma go send screenshots to Mingwa on Twitter so she takes down the manga ISTG- (THIS IS A JOKE YOU ILLITERATE TWATS)

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:17 am Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape. Rape is not in the story. Actually read the story not your fan... Tmsmyz

    then WHAT is going on in this story if not rape???

    I've read Jinx TWICE trying to catch up with everything. How is it NOT rape? Being forced to have sex is rape, being forced into fellatio is rape. Being touched without wanting to be touched is Sexual assult. Genuinely, am i missing something??? Because your gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss bullshit is giving me aneurysm

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:19 am
    I am not usually this angry, but these people are WILLINGLY being ignorant and causing problems. Imma go send screenshots to Mingwa on Twitter so she takes down the manga ISTG- (THIS IS A JOKE YOU ILLITERATE TW... eddie (he/it)

    LMAO I wonder how she'd feel about the arguments, she'd probably laugh too.

    And yeah. That's the main issue with it tbh: They keep putting words in our mouth and apparently can read our minds? Saying we never tried and that we're the ones being ignorant and causing problems. Mannn go look in the mirror bffr.
    We know our faults and they still think they're doing nothing wrong smh everyone in the comments can see they're a part of the problem.

    Still can't stop me from commenting and reading the story to see how it ends, but some people love drama so oh well

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:23 am
    LMAO I wonder how she'd feel about the arguments, she'd probably laugh too.And yeah. That's the main issue with it tbh: They keep putting words in our mouth and apparently can read our minds? Saying we never tr... Sir donewithyoshit

    You can enjoy a story with dark themes and subject matter, but THIS is making it look "sexy" when Dan is literally sobbing his eyes out from fear and pain. I'm gonna keep commenting but i am DONE reading jinx. I dont wanna be associated with brain dead freaks who thinks eyebrows is hot and that Dan isnt gonna be a victim of Stockholm syndrome

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 1:25 am
    ok. let me educate you.The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape, Fondling or unwanted... eddie (he/it)

    I gave you a website.

    Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.

    I obviously know what SA is. You are telling me nothing new. I know what rape is. You are telling me nothing new.
    The story is SA but not rape.

    What are you not getting?? The story pov > than people’s opinions. If there were 20 of you claiming incest. That doesn’t make you right. What does the story say? There is no incest in the Jinx. Dozen of trolls who are sock puppets of a few people. We are not blind. This is not a consensus like Wikipedia.

    There is an element of rape but read the whole story.

    Tmsmyz August 3, 2023 1:27 am
    You can enjoy a story with dark themes and subject matter, but THIS is making it look "sexy" when Dan is literally sobbing his eyes out from fear and pain. I'm gonna keep commenting but i am DONE reading jinx. ... eddie (he/it)

    That is you, you are referring about.

    Another sock puppet.
    Educate yourself on Stockholm Syndrome.

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:27 am

    "An element of rape" man, that's just rape. And there's obviously no incest.

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:30 am
    You can enjoy a story with dark themes and subject matter, but THIS is making it look "sexy" when Dan is literally sobbing his eyes out from fear and pain. I'm gonna keep commenting but i am DONE reading jinx. ... eddie (he/it)

    Well said. The only story I enjoyed that had rape in it was called 'Onii chan' I think. It was very sad, and also had other dark topics, but it never romanticized or brushed it off as something easy to ignore.

    I cannot stop reading it, it's so bad it's good. I've gotta see how it ends. Hope it doesn't end with Stockholm syndrome, because Jk is not redeemable and that's just too sad for Dan who's working for his dying granny.
    Thanks for sharing, nice talk. Don't forget to drink water too

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:35 am
    I gave you a website. Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape. I obviously know what SA is. You are tel... Tmsmyz

    stop fucking repeating the same thing over and over again. it doesnt make sense. LITERALLY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING. Dan is being sexually assaulted and people are fetishizing it and calling the assaulter "attractive" and ignore his poor behavior. That is the issue. I don't care that YOU think its "sexual assault" and not rape. ITs the same fucking umbrella term, asshat.
    Again. The story is about a doctor and a fighter who are at odds at first but are gonna fall in love. That is BASELINE what Jinx is about. Stop saying "POV" this isn't tiktok.

    There is no "whole story" yet. This is apart of it and so far there are TONS of SA scenes and people are worried that someone is going to be falling in love with someone who caused them harm.

    Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking. If Dan falls in love with Eyebrows, itll be stockholm syndrome. Even if Eyebrows has "redeeming qualities" they don't outweigh the damage that his abuse of Dan did.