On that note fuck Cain honestly mf makes me sick! Good that he is away for now.

Appu9 August 2, 2023 6:14 pm

On that note fuck Cain honestly mf makes me sick! Good that he is away for now.

    Yandereknifes August 3, 2023 1:24 am

    What did he do to you

    Appu9 August 3, 2023 11:29 am
    What did he do to you Yandereknifes

    Existing basically

    Maya August 3, 2023 1:35 pm

    Why? He's so much better than Yahwi (?). There are some sussy things but overall he's great

    Appu9 August 3, 2023 4:32 pm
    Why? He's so much better than Yahwi (?). There are some sussy things but overall he's great Maya

    As you said "Sussy things" lmao yeah that's what makes him a white weirdo. People have a problem with comprehending Yahwi's character, but I don't fall into the category fortunately.

    Maya August 5, 2023 6:57 am
    As you said "Sussy things" lmao yeah that's what makes him a white weirdo. People have a problem with comprehending Yahwi's character, but I don't fall into the category fortunately. Appu9

    Look I get Yahwi's character. But that doesn't make him right nor good. He raped our MC for goodness sake. He hurts him emotionally, physically etc. Cain is suspicious.yeah. I'm sure the author will reveal Cain's backstory soon. Whatever that might be, we'll know soon. But Cain never hurts our MC at least not the way that Yahwi has.

    Appu August 5, 2023 7:43 am
    Look I get Yahwi's character. But that doesn't make him right nor good. He raped our MC for goodness sake. He hurts him emotionally, physically etc. Cain is suspicious.yeah. I'm sure the author will reveal Cain... Maya


    Appu August 5, 2023 7:57 am
    Look I get Yahwi's character. But that doesn't make him right nor good. He raped our MC for goodness sake. He hurts him emotionally, physically etc. Cain is suspicious.yeah. I'm sure the author will reveal Cain... Maya

    And nah I don't think you get Yahwi's character. There is a reason why he is the way he is. It's funny how people just wanna ignore the fact that he is trying...yes he has a lot of issues and there are things I don't justify as well but well that's what makes him a solid multidimensional character unlike certain white dude who infact lies and stalks the mc, emotionally manipulates him and forcefully imposes himself and his feelings... but anyway I will leave it at that.