oh my god yes, like yeah our couple deserves to have a soft relaxing time after all of the shit they've went trough but like... I feel like everybody recovered from the previous king too easily you know.
Maybe it could've been about the drastic aftermath. The revolution, the rebels starting shit up or even the northerners who got forgotten.
There is nothing wrong with a soft chapter but making it about two side characters that nobody cares about that much wasn't the best idea.

Yeah exactly, like if it was about the pink gay dude and his black hair wolfgang, it could have been way more interesting for example because we actually saw those characters grow, or even the one servant lesbian couple. But like after all the shit Wolfgang and Shin went trough and their growth, some story about a girl that already posseses everything in life and her equally fortunate side characters friends is just sooooo boring
This manga was about overthrowing a pedophile tyrant
Now it's about teen romance and eating shit.
I'm not complaining, I like cute soft stuff after a dark chapter but like...