
fucking PREACH bro i can feel ur annoyance in every sentence and you literally did not miss ppl will be like "separate fiction from reality" yada yada DUDE IT'S LIKE TELLING A LOLICON THAT THEIR ACTIONS ARE OKAY I FUCKING HATE HOW DEFENDERS OF THESE STORY JUST TURNS A BLIND EYE AND JUST SAY "he's a red flag and im color blind
At this point, all we are doing, myself included, are screaming into the void. The gacha kids and freaks who are reading this, enjoying it and defending it, are only going to keep doing so no matter what.
Mingwa has beautiful art and it sucks its being wasted on such a dog shit story. JK isn't even that attractive, he's just another cookie cutter love interest (with big ass brows and weird ass ears) and he looks like a handful of other characters from other media. There is no reason for those rape scenes to be depicted so sexually. In fact I offer up anyone who is willing to think about those scenes as an actual rape instead of the hot mess Mingwa is depicting.
I don't care if it's fiction. I don't care if I can just "stop reading it". THIS SHIT bleeds into real life and affects people. It normalizes this behavior. And that is why everyone is so up in arms about it. Because whether me like it or not, young impressionable people are reading it and will internalize it and they'll fall into destructive abusive relationships and think that it is OK, because they can "change them".
Sexual assult is sexual assault. As soon as there is a hint of defiance or deviation from the original "yes" and they keep going, its sexual assult. If they say no or wait and you don't stop or wait, it's sexual assault. Using your authority and coercing someone into having sex with you with or without payment is sexual assault. (I'm not going into the logistics of prostitution or anything don't bring that up.)PULLING SOMEONE INTO WATER, KNOWING DAMN WELL THEY CANNOT SWIM, SO THEY CAN NOT GET AWAY FROM YOU IS SEXUAL ASSULT. POINT BLANK.
Stop defending JK. Stop saying that it's fine because it's fiction or because he's hot or because Dan "agreed" to it. None of this is "hot" you fucking freaks. You cannot change someone who is prone to violent outbursts and abusive behavior. If this happened in real life, if this happened to a woman you would all be raving on Twitter about wanting him behind bars. If JK was less conventionally attractive, you'd all cry out for the death penalty.
Stop being weird for fucks sake. Stop fetishizing such disgusting and abhorrent relationships. And STOP VICTIM BLAMING A POOR MAN WHO LITERALLY HAD NO CHOICE. It was JK or the debt collectors. And i know damn well, youd call them rapists because they aren't the pretty, ripped man who is literally doing the same thing to Dan that they did.
I fucking hate gacha kids who found BL and are eating up jinx and I hate everyone else who isn't normal and defends this shitty story for any reason. //I'm rooting for you Dan, I hope you live a long life AWAY from eyebrows//