How do i do this ToT

izzy/Cherry<3 August 1, 2023 8:00 pm

I dont really know my way around this site so i have a few questions but

Is there a specific time a manga can be on your history? Does it go away after some time?

How can i delete one specific item from history?


How can i upload scans?

thats all ty (⌒▽⌒) <3

    Cruchy_rollers August 1, 2023 8:11 pm

    Manga will be in your history once you read it, you can’t defeat your history but it will go away after some time, and I think there is an upload button or something

    DUMMY August 1, 2023 10:04 pm

    Hi as @Cruchy_rollers said there is a button. I haven't uploaded anything but when you go to spec7fic manga above the chaoters in blue it says upload manga. But if you want to add a hole new ine i have no idea. Maybe some of the uploaders can help you

    Cruchy_rollers August 1, 2023 10:33 pm
    Manga will be in your history once you read it, you can’t defeat your history but it will go away after some time, and I think there is an upload button or something Cruchy_rollers

    I meant delete not defeat lol