
Same, I actually enjoy the flashback, cause I really wanna know what happened, I do not see Ian as a replacement for Brian cause I see him as Brian as well? I dunno but for me they both still have that same personality. I wanna know the role of cardinal and how did he get Ian first, and we can only understand that if we go through the flashbacks smh these people. If anything, I think I pity Sol the most cause he's been living for a very long time, waiting for Brian. Oh right I also wanna know how Brian can reincarnate
Readers wanting Ian back vs Readers who like Brian
And I'm here, enjoying the drama. I love both Brian and Ian. Some people said that Ian is a water down version of his reincarnation. Nooooo. He was manipulated by that cardinal bitch since he was a kid. Of course he was so anxious.
And those who already got bored with the backstory. Bare with it. Can't wait to see how the cardinal bitch got obsessed with Brian.