Some of my thoughts

fruitjelly July 31, 2023 5:39 pm

A historical BL manhwa about a crown prince in possession the the dragon who is to bring rain onto Rahan under his jurisdiction, allowing him to take the throne. The main character is Suu, who works for the Harem in order to raise money to buy the freedom for his unrequited love, but one of his missions results in him meeting the dragon who becomes attached to him, leading him to becoming his caretaker.

It ended up being a love triangle, something I'm not opposed to, it just makes it a struggle because most likely I want all the characters to be happy. In this case, the three characters weren't quite likable, though I liked them all very much. It actually ended up with all three of them happy to which I was quite shocked with after stressing that only one of the two male leads would be chosen. I kept leaning towards one side, expecting one thing and then being led astray. Either way, I was super satisfied with the ending. I know I just said it was a love triangle, and obviously there is romantic tension in the story, calling this series romance doesn't fit. With the lack of a decisive end in that region, and the struggles with connection between our person's, I think that demeans the relationships that were actually formed in the end.

The dragon, Sahara, took on a young child form because of the strength he had due to the constant contradiction the crown prince's prayers when he was young. Suu cared for the small version of Sahara with a lot of love and gentleness. Sahara was devoted completely to Suu and would only feed off of his energy. Gaining strength, he would be able to transform into his bigger form. Their relationship was symbiotic and parasitic. Sahara wanted to become one with Suu, completely absorb him, but he gained humanity by being a part of him, and wanted to be able to hold him, see him, touch him. Suu was devoted to Sahara because he was the one with that was ultimately his. He has no memory of how he ended up at Rahan, and was an outsider, always treated as one. Nadan rejected him, everyone used him, Sahara was the only one who chose him. Their nature, Sahara lacking humanity, and Suu not wanting to lose his, meant they weren’t compatible when they ran away together. They couldn’t make each other happy. Suu was still on the outside and scared of Sahara and Sahara said he would be happy as long as Suu was happy, but he too had his own desires and wanted Suu to himself, not understanding why he wasn't enough for Suu, why he wanted to be with humans.

When the returned to the palace, they grew as people in a way, and established a healthier relationship with each other. He sacrificed himself for Suu and was reborn. Sahara’s gaining of humanity let him care for Suu in the same way he was but with him in mind, rather than for himself. He was no longer childish, but just acted childlike. At the end of the story, they watched the rain together. That was my favorite part. Even though their relationship was arguably the most problematic, it was the one I preferred and wished would remain close. This doesn't give an established title on what they became, but clearly it is brimming with feeling and meaning. They fulfilled a promise to watch the rain together, able to be in each other's company in such a peaceful scene. They had a sweet bond as caretaker and child, and Sahara’s devotion to Suu, and only desire being to want to be with him, I feel like the actions that resulted out of that were the least questionable out of the three. Yeah he brainwashed an entire town to treat them as livestock, making Suu fear he was using it on him, but he did everything for Suu. He had said that he apologizes to Suu for being the one to rope him into this story, but ultimately everything led Suu to him, and for that he is grateful. Rose colored glasses are on!

Suu and Nadan’s relationship was a bit of a mystery that overtime gets revealed over the course of the story. Nadan became the primary caretaker of Suu when he found him, unable to speak Rahanese. Their relationship when they were young was intimate, but it ended in a fight when Nadan accused Suu of not actually loving him, but just wanting to have him. At the current time of the manhwa, their relationship is fine, but Nadan did not want any of the changes Suu was doing, even though Suu only had Nadan’s wellbeing in mind.

In reality, I kind of agree with Nadan in his accusation to Suu, but I think he still was in the wrong. A person shouldn’t act as if they can understand the feelings of another person they are not and use it against them to cause them pain. Even if Suu’s love was not the kind Nadan wanted, it didn’t mean it was not love. *Sahara fulfills what Suu wanted from Nadan. Nadan told him that he did not love him, just that he wanted to have him as Suu has never had anything. Sahara is the one thing that is his. Thats why the sentiment that everything has led Suu to Sahara is true to me. Even though this is the case, his love is still real and genuine. Relationships are give and take, what's so wrong with that?

Suu gets over his love for Nadan, instead being replaced with him just being an important person to him after he gained affections for Hwaryun.

On the other side of the triangle, Hwaryun, the crown prince was the one roped Suu into being Sahara caretaker and keeping him in a lie that he was not the crown prince. it didn’t start of that big of a deal, and didn’t really result in any issues, there were just so much bigger things. their relationship began pretty sweetly, suddenly becoming intimate when their mutual curiosity and like in each other was apparent. It was said by Sahara though, that it was in their nature to be attracted to the royal bloodline. Of course this may be the case, but Suu's affection to Hwaryun was genuine. He struggled with accepting Hwaryun's though, for good reason. Afraid of being betrayed. Hwaryun genuinely does love Suu though, but he is working towards a goal that he built up all the way to this moment, and it’s not something he would ever throw away.

When it came to Suu, some of his actions were shocking and confusing. He would wipe his memories like of Sahara, other things. I don't know if that was ever touched on. There would be moments he chains down Suu, but then goes against his words releasing him. He broke Suu's ankle to keep him from leaving when he was going to kill Sahara for betraying him under Suu's order. Regardless of knowing Suu would never devote himself to him, he protected and protected Suu. Suu was his soft spot, and he would willingly drink poison if Suu fed it to him.

I think the only thing that kept me in their relationship other than liking their banter, was that they had mutual love for each other. Thats why I thought they would be endgame, and I was ready to accept being slightly disappointed because it just made sense. That is also why the more ambiguous ending was pretty surprising.

Suu began to become more like Sahara as well, since for him, he was losing his humanity. I think Hwaryun was the thing that kept him human in the first place, but ultimately Sahara’s growth allowed that progression to stop all together.

I also find the difference in their quality time impactful in my opinions. Though it may be a different influence for Suu, but Sahara’s clinginess, sleeping in the same bed, always together makes me value their relationship more. There's a closeness that fosters in proximity. They are comfortable with each other. Sahara also speaks lovely words to Suu, he does not lie and tells Suu whatever he asks for.

Hwaryun on the other hand causes Suu's desire for him to grow as there is often distance between them. He is busy, but when they are able to see each other, they can spend special time together. They banter a lot and Hwaryun teases Suu, dominating over him. Not bad at all, and maybe Suu prefers this, but I like the love between Sahara and Suu more when establishing this comparison.

In the end, I think I got what I wanted, coexistence. There was love between Hwaryun and Suu, and love between Sahara and Suu, but Suu places more importance between him and Sahara in the way of affectionate love, even telling Hwaryun that Sahara is number one to him as a jab. In this way, their love is most pure and human. Between Hwaryun and Suu, their love is passionate and i think more important in the sense of desire. Their love is true and genuine. They are more of lovers. In the end, they all watched the rain together, and how could I not be satisfied with a conclusion where everyone is okay and happy?

I think there's more to say talking about Sahara and Hwaryun's relationship, but I think I should stop myself. ♡♡

    Heu77 August 18, 2023 1:42 pm

    I read this a long time ago but dropped it cause they got annoying especially suu for some reason, I can’t remember why but I just remember disliking Suu.

    Also “It actually ended up with all three of them happy to which I was quite shocked with after stressing that only one of the two male leads would be chosen.”.

    SO you’re telling me Suu is in a relationship with both of them? If so, how did Hwarhyun and Sahara agree to this considering they wouldn’t want to share Suu I think?? I remember Hwarhyun and Sahara disliked each other.

    And what do you mean by “I think there's more to say talking about Sahara and Hwaryun's relationship, but I think I should stop myself. ♡♡”

    fruitjelly September 22, 2023 11:34 pm
    I read this a long time ago but dropped it cause they got annoying especially suu for some reason, I can’t remember why but I just remember disliking Suu.Also “It actually ended up with all three of them ha... Heu77

    It was that my blog was just getting quite long hmm... The relationship between Sahara and Hwaryun is interesting. My memory about them has suffered a bit, but from what I remember, Hwaryun would make contradicting prayers to the dragon regarding bringing rain, disrupting his summoning and solidifying a tense relationship between the two of them. So yes, they loathed each other but also are the reason they are where they are. They both also wanted possession of Suu, and thus since Suu did not choose one or the other, it resulted in them having to have a relationship with each other because of their connection to Suu. Sahara knows Suu needs Hwaryun, which he accepts, and Hwaryun cares for Suu so he won't do anything to the dragon who was a vital piece for his position as emperor. They hate each other, are indebted to one another, so coexisting is necessary. There isn't a definitive relationship between any of the three in the end, but they are all together and clearly happy. I hope this clears some things up. ♡

    Heu77 September 23, 2023 1:49 am
    It was that my blog was just getting quite long hmm... The relationship between Sahara and Hwaryun is interesting. My memory about them has suffered a bit, but from what I remember, Hwaryun would make contradic... fruitjelly

    Why does Suu need Hwaryun? Sorry asking cause I forgot a lot. And why does Suu need Sahara or is it just Hwaryun that needs Sahara?

    This is truly a complicated story. I would’ve liked it better if those two Sahara and Hwaryun didn’t love Suu or Vice versa.

    Also why didn’t Suu choose one? I mean yeah one can have both lmao but I’m curious as to why. Are they all just using each other in the end? In a more happier way?

    fruitjelly September 23, 2023 2:58 am
    Why does Suu need Hwaryun? Sorry asking cause I forgot a lot. And why does Suu need Sahara or is it just Hwaryun that needs Sahara? This is truly a complicated story. I would’ve liked it better if those two S... Heu77

    Suu needs Hwaryun in Sahara’s mind because Sahara is trying to become one with Suu and as Sahara feeds on the life energy of Suu as he loves him, as Suu begins to lose his humanity, becoming like Sahara, he needs to feed on life energy and the person his body subsconsciously chooses is Hwaryun, which also, Sahara is aware of. Hwaryun actually does kill Sahara keeping him and Suu apart by breaking his ankle. It was because he ws no longer helping him to become emperor. There’s seriously a lot that happens, my mind is also hazy but that’s the gist. Suu just also loves him and Sahara loves Suu and they ultimately share a mind as Sahara once also sacrifices himself to save Suu (obviously doesn’t die, just loses a lot of power). This also means the two of them have a special bond, I described it a bit before but they care for each other and Sahara is who brings Suu back to Hwaryun so Hwaryun has no reason to get rid of him anymore, just obvious dislike.

    Suu didn’t choose one because I guess he didn’t have to! LOL! They all ended up working together to get where they are in the end, Hwaryun as emperor, I forgot Suu’s role (educator maybe for the heir), and Sahara obviously the dragon who brought rain. They chose to coexist together. Throughout the series they faced love and turmoil between each other and grew to be better versions of themselves because of what they went through. I don’t think they are using each other, at least not in a bad way, but they are happy! They have what they want.

    It really is complicated! I formulated in the original post why I like the complications with the characters because their struggles and I think it is more important to look beyond simple romantic relationships, and see the actual relationships and character growth between the three of them. The romance in the end was not the important part to me but the story as a whole, like in the middle I stopped reading to see who he would end up with but to experience it and the character’s lives. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea though, hahaha!!

    chuuwrld ✧ May 29, 2024 7:49 pm

    i love this review so much