Way to many people lack common sense

Side eyee July 31, 2023 4:49 pm

I don't get why people are saying that there is no rape/sa shown in Jinx. I beg why do people on this website lack common sense- it's clear that rape AND sa is shown in Jinx

    Aphroditis August 1, 2023 8:03 am
    I read rape stories. This is not a rape story. This is a Disney type story. Here are stories with rape. Hogu Hagyeongsu - rape Kiraide Isasete - rape (maybe this one should be removed)Caste haven - rape Mob f... Tmsmyz

    You read rape stories

    Manhwaspicy August 1, 2023 8:26 am
    You read rape storiesWtf Aphroditis

    Just because she reads rape stories doesn't mean she acknowledges it or sees it as okay.

    sure August 1, 2023 11:22 am
    See your pov or lack common sense. There is no rape in this story. What is this about no sa? Why are you lying? This story is SA and abuse. I don’t think anyone said SA isn’t shown. I have said it over and... Tmsmyz

    if you read carefully, they continue to state that the people don't have commkn sense for NOT seeing the sa/rape.

    sure August 1, 2023 11:29 am
    Also be aware that Dan doesn't even VOICE his thoughts leaving jk oblivious.Thank you! And good day! Manhwaspicy

    you need to read it.

    Thank you! And good day!

    BelovedRose August 1, 2023 2:08 pm
    if you read carefully, they continue to state that the people don't have commkn sense for NOT seeing the sa/rape. sure

    If you read carefully, he understood. That makes me doubt your abilities.
    Look at his first sentence: “see your pov (rape/SA) or lack common sense”. We have NEVER said anything about it is not SA. It is SA.

    You need to read carefully.
    On your other comments I can’t respond too. Your points don’t make them wrong. Your points show you need to read the read the dialogue and scenes better. Did he forget or is it you. Your points don’t make you right. Your pov don’t make you right.
    Saying we lack common sense for not seeing rape don’t make you right. Saying see rape or lack common sense doesn’t make you right.

    This whole war is just people who lack common sense trying to terribly convince people that it's rape when it really is not:

    Side eyee August 1, 2023 8:32 pm
    Do you think it is worth it?TMSM considered them of the cyber bullies/ Trolls. The use of Dan’s background information and social class was used. The use of Dan’s traumatic attempt rape ignoring how Dan act... Torakaze

    "beg?"- yes he did beg because Dan was. clear that he didn't want it but Joo insisted in exchange of money.

    "doesn’t read carefully"- if u read carefully and didn't lack comprehension skills, u would know that Joo is very aggressive and Dan shows clearly that he despises it.

    "opinion"- Literally the law classifies that as rape

    "Is it to Joo? "- No it's to the reader to demonstrate how inconsiderate Joo was to Dan. He didn't care nor even realise that he was hurting Dan more so because he took advantage of him- which is rape

    "Completely misses chapter 4 when Dan is crying. "- Yh Dan cries and is in peak distress and all Joo does is ask him, "are u crying?" with distaste look on his face and even though Dan just brushes it of, we as readers are meant to understand that Dan is lying to himself for the sake of his safety in that moment, contributing to Joo hurting Dan as he somehow doesn't realise but it's clear and instead continuing and even threatening him.

    "This is biased"- no ur just a dumbass end of

    "Key word WE."- Exactly, WE know that Dan is in pain and wants it to and it's extremely clear however Joo doesn't realise because he doesn't care how Dan feels but instead just want to take advantage of him.

    "I am a rape crisis counselor."- Ok that don't tell me
    shit because a social worker and the LAW would disagree with ur view.

    "This only fit one scene."- No it's multiple but even if it was one scene, that confirms that rape is in the manhwa and Joo is a terrible human being.

    "Jaekyung never “took advantage of one's financial situation or using materialistic goods.”"- he did because he's rich or of a higher social class who uses money to get sex out of average people/everyday person simply due to that money is essential, it's need to afford basic essentials for everyone but because of this the value of money can heighten due to one's situation, for example, Dan.

    If u actually did ur research as an apparent Rape crisis councillor, u would know rape comes in many forms, for example, Dan's first experience with Joe.

    Which is why I say u people lack common sense and are complete dumbasses with ur shitty argument but i'll give u credit for trying.

    Have a goodnight

    Mikaela August 1, 2023 8:39 pm
    "beg?"- yes he did beg because Dan was. clear that he didn't want it but Joo insisted in exchange of money."doesn’t read carefully"- if u read carefully and didn't lack comprehension skills, u would know that... Side eyee

    If people like that can become rape crisis councillors then I can become a mathematician.

    Anonyzz August 1, 2023 8:54 pm

    Guys that person is not real, ain't no way it isn't a troll or a social study in the making lmao
    I refuse to believe someone as deluded as that exist and knows how to use the internet

    Torakaze August 1, 2023 9:00 pm
    "beg?"- yes he did beg because Dan was. clear that he didn't want it but Joo insisted in exchange of money."doesn’t read carefully"- if u read carefully and didn't lack comprehension skills, u would know that... Side eyee

    Cool story, bro. Opinions. Misusing words. Shows lacking comprehension skills. Law wouldn’t be: they would throw it out before it got to court. You should you don’t care about the story or gave a carefully honest read. It is biased. With false assumptions to back your opinion.
    You are talking about yourself. You are forcing your pov with the financial situation. Pathetic. You are just trying to degrade me because I don’t share your fee-fees.

    If you have to lie about the story or force a pov. You lost. If you have to attack me and insult me. You lost.

    If you want to have a constructive debate with someone, the last thing you want to do is to insult them or resort to name calling because that usually makes your opponent go into attack or defensive mode and from that point on, anything you say is considered invalid in their mind. If you want to convince someone you’re right, calling them an rape apologist or saying their opinion is something the should seek professional help on isn’t the way to do it.

    These people resort to name-calling and attacks because they lost, and they know it. They have no more logical arguments and are now just hoping that name calling and attacks will get them favourable opinions from their party. Because they are full of ego, childish, impulsive, and self centered. People have become outrageously defensive and aggressive in our culture.

    On some level they know they have lost and are upset about it. They know they can’t win the debate with logic. When people have no rational arguments, they resort to ad hominem attacks.
    people who resort to emotional attacks throw the other person or persons off balance. If the other person fights back emotionally, the original person quickly uses that to say they can't discuss it anymore because ther other person has gotten emotional. Using emotions is a coward's manipulative move.

    Then they lost at being able to control themselves or take criticism. They got upset and returned those insults thinking it would have the same results but failed. Monkey see, monkey do. They failed to see the results were not the same. They lost as soon as they misused rape apologist.
    Thanks for sharing your lost. Have a good day

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 1:02 am
    Guys that person is not real, ain't no way it isn't a troll or a social study in the making lmao I refuse to believe someone as deluded as that exist and knows how to use the internet Anonyzz

    It MUST be a troll. I also refuse to believe people with this type of mindset actually exist.

    They talk about wanting to be civil, but when people DO converse, they still call you delusional, say you're a troll, a coward amongst other things, say you're attacking them, make themself out to be the victim, and always say we're 'forcing our opinion on them' when really, they are.
    And I STILL haven't seen good reasons to prove that there isn't multiple accounts of SA and rape in this story.

    They keep saying "we lost" when the only thing we lost was our time arguing and braincells dealing with them.
    Besides, this ain't a ball game bro? There is no win or lose, it's a fking petty online argument. Imagine being so insecure you have to say you 'won' an online argument to feel good. Besides, if they thought we were always trolls...why'd they go out of their way to respond? lmao

    eddie (he/it) August 3, 2023 1:06 am
    Do you think it is worth it?TMSM considered them of the cyber bullies/ Trolls. The use of Dan’s background information and social class was used. The use of Dan’s traumatic attempt rape ignoring how Dan act... Torakaze

    OH im sure that mingwa had so much planned for the story. But it IS rape. How much more does it need to be spelled out for you? What would YOU consider to be rape, if not half the story we have so far.