abusive not rape

eun July 30, 2023 6:18 pm

abusive not rape

    no. July 30, 2023 6:20 pm

    girl are you fr rn, literally it was non-consensual when Dan said he didn't want it but Jaekyung did it anyway, you need mental help

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 6:37 pm


    You have another one to add TMSM.

    Dear No. There is no rape in the story. Rape is your pov. Rape is your disgusting pov you are adding.

    It is not your pov or you need mental help because we understand the story.

    You need professional help if you can’t handle yourself and handle people telling the truth or having different POV. Your ignorance and insecurities are showing. Stop attacking people. Respect others people telling the truth.
    If you see rape. That is on you. Don’t force us into your POV.

    no. July 30, 2023 6:57 pm
    https://www.mangago.me/home/mangatopic/14220904/You have another one to add TMSM. Dear No. There is no rape in the story. Rape is your pov. Rape is your disgusting pov you are adding. It is not your pov or you... Torakaze

    lmaoo ok sicko, im not forcing anyone, im stating the truth, your ass is butthurt cuz i insulted the manhwa ur into, ur absolutely digusting and you're saying i'm forcing people when you're forcing me yourself, igaf if they state their opinion, so can i

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 7:01 pm
    lmaoo ok sicko, im not forcing anyone, im stating the truth, your ass is butthurt cuz i insulted the manhwa ur into, ur absolutely digusting and you're saying i'm forcing people when you're forcing me yourself,... no.

    You DARE to share your opinion that's different from THEM?? Tsk tsk. You should know these people apparently know ONLY the truth.

    no. July 30, 2023 7:04 pm
    You DARE to share your opinion that's different from THEM?? Tsk tsk. You should know these people apparently know ONLY the truth. Mikaela

    lmaoo exactly, non-consensual sex is totally not rape pookie!! you don't know the truth at all

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 7:04 pm
    lmaoo ok sicko, im not forcing anyone, im stating the truth, your ass is butthurt cuz i insulted the manhwa ur into, ur absolutely digusting and you're saying i'm forcing people when you're forcing me yourself,... no.

    Figures you would cower. The truth hurts doesn’t it. You only proved what I said.
    The story debunks there is rape.
    Rape is your pov.
    So I don’t have your pov.
    It is your pov or I am a sicko and disgusting.

    You are showing how insecure, immature, and weak you are. I find your comments to be abusive and absolutely disgusting that you can’t accept there is no rape in the story. You have to attack others to make the truth look smaller to feel better about yourself. That is being a sicko. You are talking about yourself. You are desperately describing yourself. You are degrading yourself. Please mature and understand people will have other opinions or tell the truth and you can’t attack them. I am not the one being a sicko or disgusting. You are.

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 7:06 pm

    Have fun talking to yourself, Mikaela.

    no. July 30, 2023 7:11 pm
    Figures you would cower. The truth hurts doesn’t it. You only proved what I said. The story debunks there is rape. Rape is your pov. So I don’t have your pov.It is your pov or I am a sicko and disgusting... Torakaze

    tell me how tf am i disgusting for finding non consensual sex gross, what tf is wrong with you

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 7:11 pm

    Babe, did we hurt your fee fees?? Awww let me call your non existent wife and maybe she can kiss your boo boo. You are living proof God has a sense of humor. It's time to go, hihi.

    Manhwaspicy July 30, 2023 7:12 pm
    lmaoo ok sicko, im not forcing anyone, im stating the truth, your ass is butthurt cuz i insulted the manhwa ur into, ur absolutely digusting and you're saying i'm forcing people when you're forcing me yourself,... no.

    Omg this proves how immature you are LMAO.

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 7:16 pm
    tell me how tf am i disgusting for finding non consensual sex gross, what tf is wrong with you no.

    No no, you are wrong! You need to analyse non-consensual sex and you REALIZE that Dan consented even though he was threatened to get fucked up. <3 Be like Tora, analyse and over analyse. You are SICK for thinking rape is gross! They apparently have a friend who's a rape survivor so that means they are 100% right saying it's NOT rape. <3 (Since there wasn't cases where rape survivors dismiss rape, right?!?!)

    BL Army July 30, 2023 7:21 pm
    girl are you fr rn, literally it was non-consensual when Dan said he didn't want it but Jaekyung did it anyway, you need mental help no.

    Well not all non-consensual sex should be considered rape because only if the person is should that it hurts and that they want to stop and is the begging the other to stop while saying it hurts is rape......When someone says stop out of shyness and embarrassment and tells it hurts at first is not rape....when they are saying it hurts but they still are moaning and not begging to stop is actually rough sex.....their are a lot of difference between rough sex and rape....please do your research. Kim Dan and Jaekyung are having rough sex and even if Kim Dan says he doesn't wanna...he does give in at the end and enjoys himself and faints with overstimulation often....I hope you understand what I am trying to say here....Well its just my opinion you can have yours...

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 7:22 pm
    tell me how tf am i disgusting for finding non consensual sex gross, what tf is wrong with you no.

    In reality, I did not and there is no non censensual sex in Jinx. When are you coming back to earth?

    That is gaslighting.
    I say your comments are disgusting for how immature and disrespectful they are to ones that don’t have your pov. They are disgusting for how you treat people.

    Show me where I said that about you or any of what you claimed.

    no. July 30, 2023 7:22 pm
    No no, you are wrong! You need to analyse non-consensual sex and you REALIZE that Dan consented even though he was threatened to get fucked up. <3 Be like Tora, analyse and over analyse. You are SICK for thi... Mikaela

    i'm an absolute gross monster for thinking they need help because apparently to them non consensual sex is not rape i extremely apologize to taro-chan for giving my own opinion

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 7:34 pm
    Well not all non-consensual sex should be considered rape because only if the person is should that it hurts and that they want to stop and is the begging the other to stop while saying it hurts is rape......Wh... BL Army

    Babe, I am just responding and you can have your opinion.

    There are a few non-consensual scenes in this and some were Dan was forced to agree which is VERY dubious sex. You can still moan and have an orgasm because it's a natural thing, even though you don't want to and want it to stop. Dan clearly says he wants it to end as soon as possible. In chapter 3 he was threatened by Jae or else he will get fucked up, so he didn't had a choice but to agree, because let's be real, not one of us want to mess with a champion in boxing lmao. In rough sex people don't have usually thoughts about this wanting to end soon. Hope you understand where I'm coming from here. Cheers.

    Manhwaspicy July 30, 2023 7:36 pm
    i'm an absolute gross monster for thinking they need help because apparently to them non consensual sex is not rape i extremely apologize to taro-chan for giving my own opinion no.

    Damn, you're really exposing yourself, LMAO.

    no. July 30, 2023 7:38 pm
    Damn, you're really exposing yourself, LMAO. Manhwaspicy

    taro chan stop trying so hard, this probably all your clone accounts bc no one actually will back you up

    Manhwaspicy July 30, 2023 7:39 pm
    taro chan stop trying so hard, this probably all your clone accounts bc no one actually will back you up no.

    I laugh! Hilarious.

    BL Army July 30, 2023 7:41 pm

    Well to be honest it is rape but it is consensual rape....Kim Dan gave Jaekyung the consent to use him whenever he wants and they had a deal....it is rape in the first many chapters but towards the new ones I see Kim Dan enjoying himself a little so I can say that it may not be that hard for him now.....I hope things get better tho....atleast he doesn't feel as bad as he did at first....

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 7:50 pm
    Well to be honest it is rape but it is consensual rape....Kim Dan gave Jaekyung the consent to use him whenever he wants and they had a deal....it is rape in the first many chapters but towards the new ones I s... BL Army

    I don't think there is consensual rape since it erases all meaning what rape is. Maybe role-playing. He might be enjoying himself for most parts, but that's the human body for you. Doesn't care if it's consensual or not it will react to it. Maybe it isn't as bad but it's still bad. But I also hope for things to improve for Dan and his grandma. Don't really think she will make it trough the story.