reminder for the amnesia prone folks

wo de ma ya July 30, 2023 5:46 pm

In case y'all forgot ch 6 recap on the deal.

"make it 14,000 dollars a month...if you can do that, i'll sign" - Dan
"alright, i'll meet your terms. but i have one more of my own. whether i have a fight coming up or matter the time or place, you'll spread your legs for me when i say so." - Jaekyung
"a-alright. *i can do this. i knew what i was getting myself into.*" - Dan

Case closed.

edit. since someone below decided to mention ch 3. let's recap that too.

"the five thousand really have too give it to me." - Dan.
"of course." - Jaekyung.

Another case closed.

Two deals were made at two different times. The first deal for 5k went through. The second deal for 14k went through. *bows*

    Khunshairtie July 30, 2023 5:38 pm

    I can't believe I'm even replying to stupid shit like this.
    Please read ch 3 again and watch this video at 1:30 I'm not even making fun of you this is a genuine video recommendation. Nothing personal against you Im just tired, drink some water and have a nice day.

    wo de ma ya July 30, 2023 5:40 pm
    I can't believe I'm even replying to stupid shit like this.Please read ch 3 again and watch this video at 1:30 I'm not even making fun of you this is a genuine video recommendation.... Khunshairtie


    Torakaze July 30, 2023 6:11 pm

    To add to your comment:

    They are cherry picking to their view. Chapter 3 is close to rape. I admit I was like rape the first time I read it until I read chapter 4.

    Chapter 4 Dan gives the green light again.
    “Over that? I barely even put it in!” Says a worried confused seme.
    “N-no, That’s not… why you just … startled me…”
    (As a man he should knew he was a virgin then)

    “No .. I can do it..”

    He non consents again but
    “Please a little gentler” he gives the green light again.
    Consent can be given and taken away. Dan gives it back. They forget consent can be given back.

    Joo wants sex not rape. If anyone thinks rape is sex they need to seek professional help.

    The story debunks “it is rape”. Even if the author changes it later in the story, the beginning will not change. Words and details in a story is not our opinion.

    Torakaze July 30, 2023 6:32 pm

    • Freely given, meaning no coercion of any form is used.
    • Reversible, meaning consent can be taken back at any point.

    Joo never forced him to make those deals.
    Coercion was used in chapter 3 but one scene in the middle. And guess what Dan say stop after and then consent again.

    Consent is reversible. It can be given and taken.
    It is like how Toilet will harm some one and said he was just mocking them. Then harm them again.

    It can be given and taken not once.

    Now the condom thing. If someone says they will use a condom and pokes holes or don’t use a condom or takes it off during sex. That is flat out rape. However, that is not what happened here in the story. Let’s stick to the details. He asked him to use condoms. Which I wonder why the author didn’t have him asking for Joo to be more gentle with him.
    There is no rape in this story. Dan consented and agreed to the contract. To make that nonconsensual is nonsensical.

    wo de ma ya July 30, 2023 7:43 pm
    To add to your comment: They are cherry picking to their view. Chapter 3 is close to rape. I admit I was like rape the first time I read it until I read chapter 4. Chapter 4 Dan gives the green light again. �... Torakaze

    Clear as day Dan chose to sell himself. But just because it made people uncomfortable the way it proceeded to happen, they decided to run with their little whining. But oh well, just another day on this site