
Cyxx July 30, 2023 4:37 pm

As a Latina, this is like the worst name they could’ve given him. He looks more italian or argentinian so at least “Federico Rosel” fits him more than Juan
(All the Juan I know are NOTHING alike so maybe it’s just a stereotype of the name)

Anyways, amazing story, fucked up and I loved it

    Perikoala May 16, 2024 4:27 pm

    As Spaniard, I don't see any problem with his name. He looks like any other guy here. Federico it's used a lot for Spanish names as well.

    Cyxx May 16, 2024 8:55 pm
    As Spaniard, I don't see any problem with his name. He looks like any other guy here. Federico it's used a lot for Spanish names as well. Perikoala

    I’m saying it as a latina and how the stereotype is with the name. If you say Juan in any English speaking country they’ll probably think of a mexican guy. Federico instead is a more “european” name hence the stereotype is different