I would agree, i think she’s trying to give herself an unhealthy complexion or a bad skin, without minding any color prejudice
A bit like, if you met someone you know with jaundice, you would not be called racist if you were to comment on their skin color (it’s truly shocking T_T)
In the same manner she attempted to smell bad, she goes for eye bags, she probably made up a next to disgusting bad skin?

What do you mean Asians are racist? You talk as if people who are not asians are non racists The advertisement you're talking about is from China and China is of course in Asia but that doesn't mean that every Asian person belongs to China. Chinese government is racist, homophobic, xenophobic etc. (Sorry to all my Chinese friends) But that doesn't mean all Asian countries are like that. And all Asian countries are like that. And this whole ugliness was never about the skin color. Imagine using a skin foundation of a shade which is 5 times lighter/darker than your skin. You'll definitely look ugly. And that's the case for this manhua protagonist. Imagine using very bright coloured eyeshadows and lipsticks which don't even go together as a colour combination. You'll look ugly in it. Stop thinking about race for a sec and you'll see how much people suffer even if they are of same race. I'm not claming that people don't go through hate crimes because they're of different race. Happened during Covid 19, every person who looked like Mongoloid were viewed as bringers of Covid 19 from China and were humiliated, assaulted in public and private by strangers and also by people they thought as their friends

Ok, and who died and made all black people an authority on all racism? Stick to your lane.
East Asians are notoriously racist. Not in the same way other countries are, but that doesn't take away from it. She had a darker foundation on because the opposite of light pale skin is ugly to them. That's called colorism. But what happens when other Asians, mainly south, usually have darker skin? They get discriminated against and seen as worse. It's so bad that telling. A South asian they look east asian is a compliment to them. Is that normal for you?

No one is denying black people go through racism? But it's a different kind.
Just like I don't go and tell black people how racism towards Africans is in the west, I don't think you have the right to say what is and isn't racism towards Asians(and more) in the east.
I think that was pretty clear in my initial message to you, but instead of providing an actual answer you just deflected

The problem is that people try to find racism in everything.This is no different from a person buying the wrong shade of foundation and wearing decade old clothes. in the story the point of her changing her foundation color was for her safety as u can tell in this story the prince catches on quickly no matter how she looks. i'm just saying u gotta learn what's racist and what's not and in this case it's not.

Ok, I do get what you mean. But for me, racism doesn't automatically mean bane of the earth behavior.
A lot of the things are subconscious and not actually malicious. It doesn't stop making it hurtful, though. It is still the assignment of qualities to a race.
The author here grew up in a society that idolizes fair skin. That in turn means they dislike dark skin. That in itself is not racism, but colorism. And it's a very serious problem when a big percentage of them are naturally darker skinned. I myself and a darker skinned ea. I am tired of having people talk about my skin tone, and I don't even live there anymore. Little girls as young as 7 have confided in me about how ugly they think they are just cause they have a golden complexion instead of paper white. It really breaks my heart.
But you're right, discriminating against someone if the same race isn't racism. That's when other countries come to play. Koreans specifically are notoriously famous for looking down on south asians. Philippinos, Thais and others are seen as dirty and less and skin tone plays a BIG role in that.
Maybe it's not the overt kind of racism you think of when you think of racism but it's still racism none the less imo
I know Asians are racist, especially against darker skin individuals, but like dang, at least don't make it so obvious
Essentially "feel ugly? Whiten your skin!!!" Reminds me of that laundry commercial where the Asian lady throws in a black man in the washer and he comes out as a light skinned Asian. Gotta respect them honestly, they can be openly racist and just call it a cultural thing