Lmao. I did not think I would get lectured by a yaoi fan for saying there is rape in this ...

Juniper July 29, 2023 10:49 pm

Lmao. I did not think I would get lectured by a yaoi fan for saying there is rape in this story.

Go figure.

For the relevant party's info, you cannot drop an epistle and then not allow me to reply, especially when my comment was not directed at you. It's giving snowflake.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 10:51 pm

    100% giving twitter user fo sho

    Mi Amore Anon July 30, 2023 6:00 am

    I had no clue what this was about until I seen the other two comments. We are not one unit. I don’t care about the drama.

    Calling someone a snowflake means you are. Did he lecture you? It doesn’t so seem.

    From reading your comment. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14213918/.
    It is your pov of rape in the story or be brain dead.

    Mi Amore Anon July 30, 2023 6:16 am

    I had no clue what this was about until I seen the other two comments. We are not one unit. I don’t care about the drama.

    From reading your comment. He blocked you because you told him there will be no real conversation with him.

    It is your pov of rape in the story or be brain dead. You are forcing your opinion on others. It is unreasonable. You are condescending and not respectful to people that took time to read the story closer or have a different pov.
    After Tora’s friend was harassed and I was harassed. We knew from those attacks people with the ideology of “it is rape or your sick” are unreasonable and disrespectful people. It is a snowflake thing to do.

    We are now blocking due to they will just attack us. We tried talked to them. People like you only wants to attack for their opinion instead of talking. You called him a snowflake, said he lectured you, and laughed at him. You would be like the rest and attacked him if he didn’t block you. Calling someone a snowflake means you are. Did he lecture you? It doesn’t so seem. He made a rebuttal piece for everyone.

    It is childish how people are acting on here. I feel sorry for them. They are loved and blessed.

    Mi Amore

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 11:10 am

    Mi Amore my ass. <3

    Mi Amore Anon July 30, 2023 2:30 pm

    Mikaela would be one of the ones that lead to this discussion. There is no conversation or debate.

    She attack Rose for saying there was no rape in the story.

    Now she is after me.

    I feel sorry for her. She is loved.
    Mi Amore.

    Mikaela July 30, 2023 3:30 pm

    Thanks, I am pretty popular actually. You are loved too.