would you be willing to share your chapters with mangago? Then another person could share 44+ and so on until we are caught with the English releases. I've uploaded up to 22 and have already sent in 23 & 24 so they should be up shortly but I would like to help those who can't purchase them. Well at least I know that by uploading the free chapters this manhwa has become well known :)

Did you even read the warning at the start of every page? It'd be funny if they actually took action against mangago.

@Anonymous, I agree with you, though I think it would likely be a situation where they'd just ask mangago to take it down. While the chapters that are up right now are free on Lezhin's site (with an account, I think?), it's probably best not to upload any chapters that require payment. It's taking away from the artist, and as much as I appreciate these being available, I think it's better to ere on the side of caution and not upload anymore unless they become free in the future.
I got too impatient waiting for updates here so I downloaded Lezhin & purchased up to chapter 43, I want to buy the rest but I'm so broke;; definitely worth it though, Yuri is such a great character, I wasn't fond of him in the beginning but I love him now. i get so hyped over Yuri x Jaerim. It's been a while since I've loved a webcomic/manhwa this much.