bro what the fuck, rape means non consensual, almost (every every) every scene is non-consensual to the point where kim dan has to punch jaekshit to literally flee. theres no exposing opinions here its fucking facts. and if you dont see this as rape your messed up as shit, god damn. you could not get more stupider than this. this generation, ladies and gentlemen.

If you have to lie - you have no argument. “Almost every scene is non-consensual.” Almost all is consensual but a few scenes.
It is see your false opinion or they are messed up because we can understand the story better than you? That is messed up and not respecting others. You can have your disgusting fantasy but don’t attack others for not believing what you do. You are talking about yourself at the end. Have a civil conversation.
Stop forcing your pov on others. Be respectful.

Don't try arguing. They all don't wanna communicate They keep saying everyone that disagrees with them is a liar and that they're the only one that is right for some reason.
And they'll say that you're the liar and that you're the one upset when really, they're projecting.
Remember to drink water today

Joe isn’t a rapist- look at him from his side without knowing Dan’s thoughts or why he needs the money. If we call him a rapist, then anyone can be a rapist at any given time and in someone’s thoughts?? I would be paranoid.
Joo wants sex. He is paying for sex like he has been doing. If you think rape is sex - seek professional help. Dan consented to him and kept consenting. They have a contract in chapter 6. He does say stop or no. Some no’s are answering questions but next he is consenting again. He is not voicing his feelings to Joo. He agreed to this. He knew. If you want to call it rape, you can’t call Joo a rapist because he is clueless. As a rape crisis counselor, it does come close to rape at times, but the next scene changes it. As a whole, what is there no but if we add thoughts… but then in the real world wouldn’t we all be trouble
- Yes, judge, I told him yes.
Yes, judge, I told him to put it in.
Yes, I said no but I told him to go gentle after.
However, I was thinking, I didn’t want this. I wanted it to be done. I wanted him to stop as I verbally gave him consent, even after I took it away. Then judge, I agree to a contract to have sex with him at anytime he wanted to. I am saying I am raped because I was thinking I didn’t want to.
The ones saying rape is harming real rape survivors. Joo is toxic but you see, he stopped when he was crying and did stop at one of the times Dan said stop in their first time. Joo wants sex not rape. Rape is about power and control. I wonder if the author will have it revealed Dan didn’t enjoy it and Dan lied to him the first night a few times. Joo isn’t going to happy. Joo thinks Dan had experience, but Dan was an inexperienced virgin.
With all the facts from the story, if you want to call it rape, that is your opinion. With all the facts, Joo is not a rapist. Go back and read it without reading Dan’s thoughts. Read it as if you are in the room or Joo. Pay attention to Joo, especially when Dan is crying.

Sir donewithyo
Arguing? You just discredit yourself. Manhwaspicy is asking for a civil conversation. I have responded in a civil conversation. HELPMELMAO’s reply was an insult and an attack. They don’t want to argue. They want to be right. They and you don’t want to communicate. You are just lying about the conversation. It has nothing to do with you disagreeing with us. It is you lying about situations and the us. That would be you you are talking about. We are only telling you the POV of the story. We can’t change. Not sorry it is a different POV from yours. I am not trying to be right. If you don’t like to be called a liar, then stop lying, as you just lied about most things. We projected nothing.
That is troll talk that you cannot troll these people.

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Sir donewithyoshit July 28, 2023 11:38 pm
“You have spread lies too. You keep commenting on other's strangers comments and spreading the drama to those who don't need it. That is childish and petty. Don't drag others into this.”
Who is speading lies? Who is commenting on other's strangers comments and spreading the drama to those who don't need it. That is childish and petty. Don't drag others into this.
Manhwaspicy, they think you are apart of our friends circle or something when you only had a few comments to my friends on the threads. They are confused.

Tora = being truthful
Sir = using Tora’s words.
Did Tora use projecting on you. No. Can’t you handle multiple accounts and keep them straight? It is so funny using Tora’s words against him as he said it only works when it is true. It must had be true to use it in a false claim because it pissed you off so much you forgot which account Tora said that too. Lmao.

by every scene, i meant every scene to do with the intercourse?? and what part of my saying was my “disgusting fantasy”? you really dont make sense, this is pure common sense, i cant believe your defending such a person. its morally wrong to think that rape is normal. your no different. they asked for it, i gave them it.

even if it was contractual, its not like kim dan wanted to have sex with jaeshit, hes only doing it for the sake of the money and his grandma, he still goes through shit even when hes doing it willingly, jaeshit is fucked up anyways wanting to do things to such extend even as i said, even if it is contractual. it isnt a good enough excuse to call jaeshit “clueless” hes is a grown ass man and your telling me that he can differentiate sex and rape?? bffr. your telling me to reread that shit without dans thoughts?? so your just disregarding his feelings and pain, as if it was just nothing to begin with, your kidding, right?

By the way, wasn't there a scene where Dan didn't wanted to do it anymore and wanted to leave? But instead Jae threatened him and said "dont think ill send you home safe and sound"? Did you forget that? Did you forget how he smashed that dudes face into the wall? You still think Dan consented? Please elaborate how that wasn't rape.

You made an attack and you are making it rape = you crave it to be rape. Tora gets triggered like you do on rape but on real rape cases. He can differentiate between fantasies and real-life. He protects the survivor and seek justice for the rapist. To him he doesn’t see rape and you are making it, your disgusting delusional fantasy= rape. He was saying he hates rape, like normal people do.
Was he defending him? Wake up! He does not think rape is normal.
Hello he just called you adding rape to story a disgusting fantasy.
You are no different from how you are attacking others. No one asked for it. That is delusional. Since you gave it them you are no better than a rapist. You just “rape” them of your false opinion on a story. No deserves what you did. Let’s say Joo is better as Least he is will get a character redemption arc and be better and you will be treated people worst than he does on a opinion on a story that the story doesn’t hold.
I have read dark stories like Dispar for a long time. Jinx lacks lots of that darkness. Dispar is rape and the uke is in love with the seme.
Hogu Hagyeongsu - rape
Kiraide Isasete - rape
Caste haven - rape
Mob for Jack - rape
Maki-chan wa Kare to Sex Shitai - rape
falling alpha enigma the fourth bath - rape
harami bara - rape
abarenbo_honey - rape
Under grand hotel - rape
I wouldn’t call jinx rape
Stop attacking others. No one deserves it.
To those of you claiming this manhwa is RAPE or Jk is a rapist; Feel free to elaborate your points, let me try to comprehend because I still cannot see it as rape. Don't be shy. Expose your opinions and your true self.