Best story Ever

Actually father(or dad) in Japanese is otousan(informal) and chichue(formal)

i think...chi chi as in ...chinchin....which is penis LOL

Nah , otousan is formal , chichi is informal for dad . Okaasan means mum formally and haha is informal. Otouto is little brother , imouto is little sister, oniisan is older brother , oneesan is older sister. I think obaasan is grandma and ojiisan is grandpa? Well I guess my 1 year of Japanese came in handy but mind you I haven't done it in a while.

Chichi is what you say when you're talking to someone about your dad. “(My) chichi.” If you're referring to your dad directly, you can say otousan, which isn't particularly formal.
Chichi can mean breast, milk, or father: http://jisho.org/search/chichi

chichi in these term is chikubi wich means is nipple
this reminded me of a few years back. one year in high school, there was a Japanese exchange student who didn't know much English in my math class and the teacher would let us make cheat sheets with our math notes. so as she kept saying "cheat sheet", this kid was literally crying laughing after a few minutes of it, so the teacher asked him why. so he managed to say, "sounds like chichi.. it means... boo b s"