My Opinion

Manami July 29, 2023 10:53 am

People in this comment section are so goddamn annoying, stop talking about the R word, this is only fiction don't take it to heart, if you can't stomach this type of troupe then you shouldn't be reading it in the first place. Yall are embarrassing, Honestly everyone should have known where this story is going to.

THIS IS ONLY FICTION, THIS IS MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, if you can't respect other people for having OPINIONS then you shouldn't be even reading this genre because you are probably too immature to understand the word RESPECT.

    Sierra July 29, 2023 11:05 am

    Exactly this. People act like authors are telling people it's okay for men to rape each other by writing a story that includes it. It's your responsibility as a human being to differentiate right from wrong and fiction from reality. Gay cartoon porn isn't meant to educate, so don't get upset if there's no life lesson

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 11:43 am

    I agree with everything you said but one thing. You are disrespectful to the ones who do not see that trope in the story. You are talking about respecting others opinions but you made this story your pov going against what you said. Some of us thinks it is close to that trope but isn’t this trope by all the clues of the story.

    However you are misunderstanding the situation here:
    It will not stop. The ones you are talking about are trolls excluding their victims. We are sure one of them is a person with a few accounts here to start things to make fun of people. They are this on their profile page, it is “ I start fights on the Internet lol ”They think it would be hilarious if someone melts down on this story.
    They have wrote “Dan was (this trope) lol” Trying to keep to your wishes here. So, it is a joke to them. They don’t have any respect for anyone. The group of them don’t have any respect for for anyone not even a rape survivor who said this wasn’t that trope and who was hideous attacked by trolls.

    Manami July 29, 2023 2:08 pm
    I agree with everything you said but one thing. You are disrespectful to the ones who do not see that trope in the story. You are talking about respecting others opinions but you made this story your pov going ... Torakaze

    Honestly I don't care, either way if you think im disrespectful thats totally valid its your POV, this is my opinion only, of course i shouldn't force people to agree with me we all have different perspectives.

    Manami July 29, 2023 2:09 pm
    Exactly this. People act like authors are telling people it's okay for men to rape each other by writing a story that includes it. It's your responsibility as a human being to differentiate right from wrong and... Sierra

    You are so BASED with this, i thought i was the only one thinking of it like that too.

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 4:13 pm
    Honestly I don't care, either way if you think im disrespectful thats totally valid its your POV, this is my opinion only, of course i shouldn't force people to agree with me we all have different perspectives. Manami

    I was not attacking you or trying to upset you.

    “ THIS IS ONLY FICTION, THIS IS MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, if you can't respect other people for having OPINIONS then you shouldn't be even reading this genre because you are probably too immature to understand the word RESPECT.”

    “Honestly I don’t care” -.-;

    It is from your own words I got that opinion.
    I respected you to no use the r word but one time. I apologize for that as I was trying to respect you. You were talking about how we should respect other people for having opinions but at the beginning of the post you made this story a certain trope that many people don’t see in this story for details for the story and facts not just opinions.
    I was looking for something like “Oh! I see I don’t know that people had that view. I don’t mean to do that.” If you were genuinely sincere.

    From “Either way” to the end of your comment. I think a misunderstanding here or took a different interpretation than I meant. I don’t think you forced anyone to agree with you. I didn’t force anyone to agree with me. I am confused why you said that but what I am saying is a simple fix. Maybe “these types of tropes” would had been better as it covers a range? I keep reading your first paragraph over. Maybe my bad? In a way it does seems it is not about one trope but after a few readings it does seem to be aimed at one trope. But given how you reacted it probably was about one trope. If you left room from other tropes from your opinion you respected other’s opinions instead of making one trope that not everyone sees.

    We all have different perspectives was my first point in writing you. I think I upset you but what I said should not had. I am sorry that you are upset. What I was saying was a simple fix if you wanted to respect others but honestly you don’t care (saying being upset?) or is there a misunderstanding?
    I wasn’t attacking. I wasn’t forcing you to agree with me. I was just agreeing with you and wished you did as you said.

    Torakaze July 29, 2023 4:14 pm
    Exactly this. People act like authors are telling people it's okay for men to rape each other by writing a story that includes it. It's your responsibility as a human being to differentiate right from wrong and... Sierra

    I didn’t see this. Hentai is like this too.

    toilet terrorist July 29, 2023 5:50 pm
    Exactly this. People act like authors are telling people it's okay for men to rape each other by writing a story that includes it. It's your responsibility as a human being to differentiate right from wrong and... Sierra

    You after realising that rape to love troupes in media contribute to rape culture by minimising rape into something that can be gotten over in a relationship:
    You after realising this kind of media can dehumanise male survivors of sexual assault:

    Skully July 29, 2023 7:18 pm

    Chill out I was only asking a question geez

    Manami July 30, 2023 12:21 am
    I was not attacking you or trying to upset you. “ THIS IS ONLY FICTION, THIS IS MADE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, if you can't respect other people for having OPINIONS then you shouldn't be even reading this genre beca... Torakaze

    No that was not what i meant by saying I don't care what i mean by that is I don't care if people see me as disrespectful for saying that its my freedom to speak what i think. i probably worded that wrong for you to misunderstand me. Anyway thanks for pointing that out, I didn't know it would be sounding like I don't respect others, or that i was upset, i don't really make comments in stories like this because i easily get misunderstood, i just did today because i feel like people are taking the story too seriously, that they forgot its fiction and it shouldn't be put to action into Reality, thats what i wanted to say . and the other thing about my opinion the second stanza i was pointing out about how people don't try to understand each other and still try to force others how their opinion is right and that the other person is wrong. That's what i wanted to say, I don't think i explained it clearly but this is what i wanted to say, i probably sounded rude im sorry its my fault for wording it out like that.

    Sierra July 30, 2023 3:33 am
    You after realising that rape to love troupes in media contribute to rape culture by minimising rape into something that can be gotten over in a relationship: You after realising this kind of media can dehumani... toilet terrorist

    You after realizing PEOPLE contribute to rape culture, not fictional comics about cartoon men getting their backs blown out:

    You after realizing that if someone is dumb enough to use cartoon gay porn as a basis for formulating their morale, then they shouldn't be reading any adult content, period:

    You after realizing that you can't blame a webcomic that was made for entertainment purposes when people use it in ways that it was not intended for: !?!?

    You after finding out that if any male sexual assault survivor has ever been dehumanized, it was the fault of the dumbass who dehumanized them, not the cartoon porn:

    toilet terrorist July 30, 2023 4:04 am
    You after realizing PEOPLE contribute to rape culture, not fictional comics about cartoon men getting their backs blown out: You after realizing that if someone is dumb enough to use cartoon gay porn as a basis... Sierra

    "Rape culture happens all around us, every single day. You can find it every time you turn on the TV in how media characterizes sexual assault and rape as well as the victims and perpetrators. Movies utilize rape culture to create drama or illicit laughs. It’s used in advertisements to seduce you into thinking you need a product. Video games widely exploit it. And music blends it in seamlessly with its lyrics."

    ANYTHING can contribute to rape culture, male victims are dehumanised by RAPE CULTURE and ANYTHING contributing to it. Believe it or not, content that trivialises rape and sexual assault dehumanises male victims by perpetuating the idea that rape is common and or 'not a big deal'. By wrongfully displaying the psychological reactions a survivor would have to rape this kind of content elludes to the idea that victims speaking out or 'making a big deal' out of rape is abnormal and inconvenient. This causes speaking out to become even more stigmatised and harms real victims of this societal pressure to stay silent. Pornography largely contributes to rape culture in general by romanticising rape into some sort of sexy fantasy. Fiction does not mean that it doesnt indirectly harm victims of assault and it is actually one of the biggest and most prominent contributors to rape culture whether it be a TV show, a movie, a book or a comic. Educate yourself before you say these kinds of things man, its not the same as a goofy serial killer romance cause we dont have 'murder culture' do we?

    toilet terrorist July 30, 2023 4:05 am
    "Rape culture happens all around us, every single day. You can find it every time you turn on the TV in how media characterizes sexual assault and rape as well as the victims and perpetrators. Movies utilize ra... toilet terrorist

    Well we do but its not as prominent to say the least.

    ShenQq July 30, 2023 10:33 pm
    Exactly this. People act like authors are telling people it's okay for men to rape each other by writing a story that includes it. It's your responsibility as a human being to differentiate right from wrong and... Sierra

    This is true. However, I did find myself educated on cauliflower ears!