Well this situation is difficult. He saved her from her trauma. He needs her because he has no one else to rely on. But what I think is, he may be doing to much now in order not to lose her. People may like this type of thing. But imagine it realistically, you wouldn’t live your life with someone this obsessive and this dangerous just because they love you. It may be nice to know that they would do this much because they love you, he does love her unconditionally. But it’s mentally unwell if someone is this possessive of you. He only wants her to rely on him because he has no one else which is upsetting but he should know that she does love him but she isn’t crazily jealous like he is.And in her case breaking up with him isn’t really possible because he is gaslighting and manipulating her into staying. He can also meet her in his dreams. All she can do is really stand up to him about what he is doing but she is just too afraid. She should be more confident to address her concerns or else it’ll get worse. I know she is able to control him. If maybe she was like ‘if you caused harm to others, I’ll break up with you’. It’s just using also using manipulative skills to stop him from harming others. But I would say that this situation is toxic. He is doing anything in his power to make her stay and not letting her have a say because he knows she is weak hearted. But I do like him he just seems really obsessive and mentally unwell.
Well this situation is difficult. He saved her from her trauma. He needs her because he has no one else to rely on. But what I think is, he may be doing to much now in order not to lose her. People may like this type of thing. But imagine it realistically, you wouldn’t live your life with someone this obsessive and this dangerous just because they love you. It may be nice to know that they would do this much because they love you, he does love her unconditionally. But it’s mentally unwell if someone is this possessive of you. He only wants her to rely on him because he has no one else which is upsetting but he should know that she does love him but she isn’t crazily jealous like he is.And in her case breaking up with him isn’t really possible because he is gaslighting and manipulating her into staying. He can also meet her in his dreams. All she can do is really stand up to him about what he is doing but she is just too afraid. She should be more confident to address her concerns or else it’ll get worse. I know she is able to control him. If maybe she was like ‘if you caused harm to others, I’ll break up with you’. It’s just using also using manipulative skills to stop him from harming others. But I would say that this situation is toxic. He is doing anything in his power to make her stay and not letting her have a say because he knows she is weak hearted. But I do like him he just seems really obsessive and mentally unwell.