Is it rape? It comes close to rape. It is toxic but I don’t feel comfortable saying it is rape.
But if you say it is. Joe isn’t a rapist- look at from his side without knowing Dan’s thoughts or why he needs the money. If we call him a rapist then anyone can be a rapist at any given time and on someone’s thoughts?? I would be paranoid.
Joo wants sex. He is paying for sex like has been doing. If you think rape is sex - seek professional help. Dan consented to him and keeps consenting. They have a contract in chapter 6. He does say stop or no. Some no’s are answering questions but next he is consenting again. He is not voicing his feelings to Joo. He agreed to this. He knew. If you want to call it rape you can’t call Joo a rapist because he is clueless. As a rape crisis counselor it does come close to rape at times but the next scene changes it. As a whole of what is there no but if we add thoughts… but then in the real world wouldn’t we all be trouble
-yes judge I told him yes.
Yes judge I told him to put it in.
Yes I said no but I told him to go gentle after.
However I was thinking I don’t want this. I wanted to be done. I wanted him to stop as I verbally gave him consent, even after I took it away. Then judge I agree to a contract to have sex with him at anytime he wanted too. I am saying I am rape because I was thinking I didn’t want to.
The ones saying rape is harming real rape survivors. Joo is toxic but you got to look he stopped when he was crying and did stop at one of the times Dan said stop in their first time. Joo wants sex not rape. Rape is about power and control. I wonder if the author will have it revealed Dan don’t enjoy and Dan lied the first night to him a few times. Joo isn’t going to happy. Joo thinks Dan was had experience but Dan was an inexperienced virgin.
With all the facts from the story if you want to call it rape that is your opinion. With all the facts, Joo is not a rapist. Go back and read it without reading Dan’s thoughts. Read it as if you are in the room or Joo. Pay attention to Joo, especially when Dan is crying. Now we can talk about SA.
Hey I am more aligned with the story. Don’t like it don’t attack me. Remember to be civil and every one can have an opinion even if it is different from yours. Stop the absolute BS it is your opinion or be called a rape apologist and seek professional help that is just immature and insecure in your opinion. (Many attacked a rape survivor saying this wasn’t rape. It was disgusting to watch.)

Like u said it comes close to rape he doesn’t want to but feels like it’s mandatory due to it being a contract like in chapter 8 Feeling pressured that he has to since it’s the condition for the money. As for Joo’s actions - he’s a piece of shit and there’s no excusing that. Just Seeing my boy Dan as a toy - but who knows maybe a huge character development might happen soon ヾ(☆▽☆)

I have read dark stories like Dispar for a long time. Jinx lacks lots of that darkness. Dispar is rape and the uke is in love with the seme.
Hogu Hagyeongsu - rape
Kiraide Isasete - rape
Caste haven - rape
Mob for Jack - rape
Maki-chan wa Kare to Sex Shitai - rape
falling alpha enigma the fourth bath - rape
harami bara - rape
abarenbo_honey - rape
Under grand hotel - rape
I wouldn’t call jinx rape.

It might not seem like rape untill you really look through it.
Bear with me and go through my long essay to why i think its rape.
Dan is in a tight spot where his whole life is crumbling before him, he is in dept, his gradma needs medical help that is financially demanding, his ex-boss sexaully harassed him, he got kicked out of his job and not to mention his self image of himself (he has no self worth)
So here is why i think jae is a rapist;
Its true; dan and jae signed a contract to make them sex partners, dan is getting paid to do a job and he is doing it. But thats when it egts tricky.
Lets take a sex worker (or a hooker in simpler form) they get paid to have sex with ppl and they do it BUT they still have the right and the voice to stop the sex even if its in the middle of it; getting money for sex doesnt just discard the whole existence of rape.
Now, dan expresses that he doenst like the sex and in every intercourse scene he asks jae to stop but jae never oblige, dan is seen as a sextoy nothing else.
Here is another point, people might say; well he is "blushing" ; "reacting" ; "ejaculating" but those are all human functions? Its simple biology, when given sex you cant control yourself but ejaculate even if its given in rape matter; and the blushing those could be either.
He can leave whenver he wants. He really REALLY cant. In a way jae is forcing him. Let me explain; he first pressures dan to not stop the sex (almost threatening him) he openly expresses hoe much he hates it when dan stops something. And dan knows that jae is strong, he can beat him up completely. Jae is intimidating him into staying (or continuing the intercourse)
Not to mention; jae paid all dan's dept and gradma funds; dan is living with him too. So in that mindset and due to dans image of himself he sees that he is obligated to stay;
Okay the gradma scene; jae only stopped bcuz he was SHOCKED.
Dan never stood up for himself at all neither shouted at jae; if dan used the same whimpery no and stop he always used jae wouldve continued.
So thats abt it. Thank you for reading :)

Its dubious consent in general so whether its rape or not will depend on how certain people view consent, i think its rape just based on this: a definition of what cannot be considered consent from the “Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network,” an organization dedicated to helping victims of sexual crimes: “Consent cannot be given by individuals who are underage, intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or asleep or unconscious. If someone agrees to an activity under pressure of intimidation or threat, that isn’t considered consent because it was not given freely. Unequal power dynamics, such as engaging in sexual activity with an employee or student, also mean that consent cannot be freely given.” Taking the definition into account and applying it to the story makes most of Dan's sexual encounters with Jaekyung very unconsensual on Dan's part. Again this is my opinion, i think its the truth but i cant force you to agree with me. Im nkt here to convince just to state.

If by that alone. It is not dubious consent either.
But by some websites it said something else.
I guess I will not that term for this story. And go find a right one. Or explain what it means. “Popova explains that the term “dubcon” (short for “dubious consent”) was coined by the fanfiction community to make visible the gray areas between rape and consent“

Do you know what the problem is? The problem is those who fail to read a comic properly. I've seen a lot of comments where people say it's “dubcon” “jk threatened Dan to sign the contract” “Dan is in no position to reject the contract” “jk is a rapist” “blah blah blah”.
There are things you have to observe while reading a comic. I advise everyone to go back and reread the chapters involving the agreement carefully.
Dan is a 29-year-old man who is grown enough to make decisions for himself. Yes, he is mild and appears to have low self-esteem but that does not excuse the fact that he would be stupid enough to not know what he was getting himself into. I still can't see how jk threatened him to agree. The same jk who specifically said at the beginning of the agreement, “If you're not willing, I’d better find somebody else.” he was literally calling another one of his whores to replace Dan. And in that moment, Dan was thinking if he should agree to it, “Can I really do this? There is no way I would find this huge amount of money anywhere. Besides, it's only for the night and after that, it'll all be over.” The guy knew what he was up against, so he persuaded jk that he was willing to agree to it. He sold his body in exchange for money. Jk never threatened him! Read the chapter carefully! Gosh! What are you people even reading for you to not understand something as obvious as this?
The problem also is Dan who doesn't always VOICE his thoughts. Jk was clearly oblivious to how Dan was feeling. He didn't even know the guy was suffering because the so-called physical therapist AKA Dan LIED that he was experienced. Why did he lie? It's clearly his fault for getting such abuse from jk. Jk is rough in bed, this is basically how he treats all his sex partners and jk just assumed that Dan was one of them since he lied that he was experienced.
You all NEED to look at it from BOTH perspectives.
Even in a court, it won't even be referred to as RAPE.
RAPE is a very harsh language and this MANHWA doesn't have any of it.
Last point: Just because it looks like it, doesn't mean it is. Dig deeper and understand the context.
Also, jk is a real piece of shit too.

He lied about his experience because he was raped and didn't want to say it, so just said "I'm experienced". He should've probably communicated that, but who would want to admit that to stranger?
Although...Spicy, thanks for actually making some good points; especially the last paragraph. It was easy to understand too.
I don't think most people wanna see the perspective of Jk though?
And genuinely speaking, I don't think there's a ''correct' way to read any story? Or interpret art in general I mean, hope that makes sense. The context seems a bit muddled.
And people can read it no matter anyway so that point I don't understand.

Bear with me; this is long af
I reread the comic again 2 days ago with a new perspective i was unbiased and read ita lk through.
Youre right dan might not voice his opinion but at the first night they were together he DID.
He said he wasnt sure about this anymore and requested to leave jae threatened him into staying by bringing up the sex-partner he had over before dan. And the lying abt experience, imo i dont think dan completely understood what that meant, he is very naive and he probably thought that if a man ever advanced to him which is true (the boss)
But comeon a person as experienced as jae could easily tell if someone isnt?????
Like dan obvsly looks scared and nervous and shows no signs of even being with anyone.
But i do agree that if dna knew what he menat he really shouldnt ahve lied but still that doenst mena he DESERVES it. That just out of pocket, the dude really said he didnt wnat to do it but jae pushed it.
You point out why dan lied but you never point out when jae lied too.
Jae asks dan to come over for PHYSICAL THERAPY. The thing he wanted wasnt physical therapy at all.
Ehy didnt he simply ask dan to have sex with him from the start (on the phone) he couldve afford the money on the phone and then dan wouldve had time to see how it was.
Jae took dan by pressure and shock, you can see how dan was shocked when jae offered him the intercourse while he was messaging him; dan didnt have time to thin abt the offer at all. He was pressured.
I want to point out soemthing when dan goes in to shower to get ready he thinks more abt it and wants to leave; i think thats says enough?
If you wnat more info please ready my comments on this comic :D

Dan was harassed not raped. I'm talking about the time with the doctor from his previous workplace. Therefore, Dan lied that he was experienced(having sex)(intercourse).
So that point isn't even valid.
No one would want to admit that to a stranger? Not everyone is the same, mind you. It still doesn't excuses the fact that he lied.
There's a correct way to read it, observe the expressions carefully, “the dilated pupils” “blush” “the blue blush that describes horror” “parted lips” “widened lips in the form of screaming” There are so many others.
The gestures and the dialogue too. They all have meanings and should be highly considered.

“Youre right dan might not voice his opinion but at the first night they were together he DID.
He said he wasnt sure about this anymore and requested to leave jae threatened him into staying by bringing up the sex-partner he had over before Dan.”
Mind you, I'm not trying to support jk. I'm looking at it from both perspectives. Jk’s intention wasn't to threaten Dan at all. Be in jk’s shoes at that specific moment, he has a jinx and he has to have sex to win, all he cares about is his tournament for the next day. He was restless and angry that someone was wasting his time and I believe it was quite late for him to be having sex presuming that he had to sleep and be lively for the match.
Yes, jk lied to Dan about coming over for therapy but in his thoughts, he knew Dan wouldn't have come if he said he wanted to have sex. And I agree that was messed up too.
What do you mean Dan didn't have the time to think? He DID. Jae was literally going ahead to CALL another one of his whore to replace Dan. Dan knew he needed the money, he knew, he's not a child. He knew what he was getting himself into. Omg
The poor guy, I'm sad for him.
I also kinda wish he had friends to advise him out of the agreement the second time he signed that contract of the whenever wherever :(

Everyone who disagrees with you isnt a troll man, i called torakaze a troll because in the one debate we had we was talking like some AI but i know he isnt actually a troll now he just got strong ass opinions that i dont agree with. You on the other hand, are a goofy goober ive got less respect for you that i do for Torakaze and thats saying something for sure
So.... I've seen a lot of people throw around the word rape when it comes to this story and as a newish kinda fundashi I'm just curious IS THIS RAPE? I always thought of it as more dubious than anything. Yeah the uke isn't into it (at first) but he's also doing it for the money. Kinda like doing a job that you hate but you still have the choice to walk away.
Before you say he can't get away he literally did when he thought his grandma was gonna die. Has the seme ever threatened to rape him(can't remember).
I just wanna say aswell I don't noncon in stories as long as its done well, like I've dropped so many noncon stories, mainly because we're boring, and throwing in a sexual element doesn't make it fun.