Uploader, how about waiting for at least a day (or two)

toni macaroni July 28, 2023 4:50 pm

Uploader, how about waiting for at least a day (or two) before you post the update here? How about giving the authors a chance to earn from their hard work first? Even if this is an illegal site, we can still have scruples, right?

    The Whovian July 31, 2023 2:57 pm
    This conversation has been going on because you're so offended by what i said you can't leave it alone. You can't accept that people can both purchase legally and still be here. You want all the people here to ... toni macaroni

    You want me to give it up sooo badly but I’m not, you want to know why? Because you’re deliberately ignoring what I’m writing to you and instead responding to what you think this conversation should be. If I’m saying that it’s hypocritical to support the sites stealing from authors then where are you getting I’m upset because you bought a manga?

    toni macaroni July 31, 2023 3:22 pm
    You want me to give it up sooo badly but I’m not, you want to know why? Because you’re deliberately ignoring what I’m writing to you and instead responding to what you think this conversation should be. I... The Whovian

    I'm ignoring the things you're saying that has nothing to do with my posts. You're choosing to misunderstand and then you want me to respond to your conjecture?
    "Because you’re complaining about stealing from authors on a site that runs solely off the theft of authors" - When did i ever complain about stealing? I merely asked the uploader to wait a few days. When did i ever ask the uploader not to upload, ever? Where???
    " if you’re gonna read illegally here don’t turn the corner and tell everyone else to pay for the same manga you’re pirating"
    - When did i do this? When did i ever ask everyone else to pay???
    "where are you getting I’m upset because you bought a manga?"
    - When did i ever say you're upset i bought a manga? I said you're offended because you don't want to accept that it can be normal for people to purchase and still be here.
    You're making things up and then you want me not ignore your penchant for fabrication? Are you okay??

    toni macaroni July 31, 2023 3:31 pm
    yall r agruing sm like its going to change each others opinions, neither of yall are wrong. Its is the right thing to upload a bit after the author does but this is an illegal website. I dont get why yall keep ... Allie<3

    I don't like arguing but if people are going to come on here, under MY post, and sh!t on me and what i said, you can be sure i'm going to push back.

    toni macaroni August 1, 2023 12:43 am
    You want me to give it up sooo badly but I’m not, you want to know why? Because you’re deliberately ignoring what I’m writing to you and instead responding to what you think this conversation should be. I... The Whovian

    "Because you’re deliberately ignoring what I’m writing to you and instead responding to what you think this conversation should be."
    -- Shouldn't the conversation be about my request to the uploader to wait a few days before uploading? You can refer to this thread's "topic", it's really not that deep. You made your own spin on what i said (by making things up, i might add) and then you want me to think that's where the conversation should be? Are you okay? Who died and made you queen?
    You're presuming to know my thoughts when you can't even comprehend my very simple, incredibly basic, initial request to the uploader to wait a few days? The audacity

    FOXY_LION August 2, 2023 4:52 am
    I buy. 'Cause i am a fan. Would you like to see pics or screenshots of my purchased manhwas? I can send them readily to you. Just say when toni macaroni

    then why are you here? you made an account even, so sad.

    FOXY_LION August 2, 2023 4:54 am
    This website gains millions of users a month. The people on this site read here illegally because they either candy afford to buy it or just refuse to buy the Manga they’re reading. You know you’re the mino... The Whovian

    ^^^^^ THIS

    toni macaroni August 2, 2023 12:52 pm
    then why are you here? you made an account even, so sad. FOXY_LION

    I have already addressed this question in the thread. And no need to be sad, you are very welcome to do the same, nobody should stop you. Well, they shouldn't, but they could try, if they're vile
    I sure hope you're not one of them coz, you know, i can keep this going. I have time

    toni macaroni August 2, 2023 12:52 pm
    then why are you here? you made an account even, so sad. FOXY_LION

    I have already addressed this question in the thread. And no need to be sad, you are very welcome to do the same, nobody should stop you. Well, they shouldn't, but they could try, if they're vile
    I sure hope you're not one of them coz, you know, i can keep this going. I have time

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ March 6, 2024 9:29 pm

    They literally post it the day after. No need to wait more days. If it's such a problem then go buy the chapters yourself

    toni macaroni March 6, 2024 11:22 pm
    They literally post it the day after. No need to wait more days. If it's such a problem then go buy the chapters yourself Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    I do buy every single chapter legally. Are you okay?

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ March 6, 2024 11:50 pm
    I do buy every single chapter legally. Are you okay? toni macaroni

    Then stop complaining. I'm just fine I buy these chapters as well and don't see me complaining

    toni macaroni March 7, 2024 7:57 am
    Then stop complaining. I'm just fine I buy these chapters as well and don't see me complaining Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    My post was from July of last year, waaay before the uploader started uploading updates a day after. They ised to upload mere minutes after the original authors. Before you run your mouth--or in this case, your keypad,--i would suggest you do your homework first. You talk as if we know each other and i should be like you just ''cause, like me, you purchase legally too. You're welcome to ask the uploader directly yourself why and when they have decided to upload a day after. It's fairly easy to DM, really. I should know. Also, i dont believe you're okay, seeing that you cant mind your own business commenting over a post made from 8 months ago. Maybe you should get yourself checked.

    COCKSUCKERCORE<33 March 7, 2024 12:41 pm

    yall are STILL arguing hasn’t this been going on for months

    toni macaroni March 7, 2024 1:18 pm
    yall are STILL arguing hasn’t this been going on for months COCKSUCKERCORE<33

    My point exactly. This post hasnt been visited since Aug of 2023. Of course i would be notified if somebody commented under it. I'm not really one to shy away from people attempting to sh!t on me or my posts. So yea, keep trying. I have time.

    COCKSUCKERCORE<33 March 7, 2024 1:22 pm
    My point exactly. This post hasnt been visited since Aug of 2023. Of course i would be notified if somebody commented under it. I'm not really one to shy away from people attempting to sh!t on me or my posts. S... toni macaroni

    one of yall fr needa give up because at the end of the day you both will believe your in the right and thats not wrong. Its okay for people to have differences, just both apologizes to each other and call it a day
    this is an online website you two probably wont see each other again on here ngl

    toni macaroni March 7, 2024 1:41 pm
    one of yall fr needa give up because at the end of the day you both will believe your in the right and thats not wrong. Its okay for people to have differences, just both apologizes to each other and call it a ... COCKSUCKERCORE<33

    Again, this is my post. Who do you think should 'give up'? The uploader of this manhwa started uploading a day after updates come out because we had a serious one-on-one over DMs July of last year. I thought this has been put to rest until today when some shmuck decided to resurrect it to attempt to sh!t on me. I'm all for healthy discourse, even thoughtful arguments around here, but i won't tolerate fools trying to pick fights like WTF

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ March 7, 2024 1:49 pm
    My post was from July of last year, waaay before the uploader started uploading updates a day after. They ised to upload mere minutes after the original authors. Before you run your mouth--or in this case, your... toni macaroni

    This popped up in the comments I didn't know it was this old LMAOOO mangago tripped for a bit on this manhwa idk HAHha

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ March 7, 2024 1:54 pm
    one of yall fr needa give up because at the end of the day you both will believe your in the right and thats not wrong. Its okay for people to have differences, just both apologizes to each other and call it a ... COCKSUCKERCORE<33

    Tbh it doesn't matter. This comment came across me yesterday somehow a d I thought it was new. Now who cares I'm not talking on this comment anymore after this LOLLLL