You thinking i'm phony and hypocritical is not my problem. You dont wanna take on my challenge of sending u proofs that i legally buy manga coz u dont wanna be proven wrong. Anyway, continue being an as$h0|e who wants to make my comments her problem. I said what i said, uploader can also continue being an jerk like u too. I'm still gonna go around here and calling out those who shamelessly repost chapters on the same day as the authors. If u wanna continue minding my posts, u'r very welcome to do so :D
Ur trying to act like such a good person by telling the uploader to wait before posting for the sake of the author when simply being on this site completely defies that. Sure you also purchase chapters but ur not any better if ur still an active user here LMFAO u think you have a "conscience" just coz of that but nah maybe if u stick to only reading officially then youll be better than the rest of us :)))
You thinking i'm hypocritical and a phony is not my problem. You don't want to take on my challenge of sending u proof that i legally buy manga bcoz u don't wanna be proven wrong. Anyway, continue being an a$sh0l€ who wants to make my comments her problem. I said what I said. Uploader may also choose to be a j€rk like u too. I'm still gonna go around here calling out those who shameless repost updates on the same day as the authors. If u want to continue minding my posts, u'r very welcome to do so :))
You thinking i'm hypocritical and a phony is not my problem. You don't want to take on my challenge of sending u proof that i legally buy manga bcoz u don't wanna be proven wrong. Anyway, continue being an a$sh0l€ who wants to make my comments her problem. I said what I said. Uploader may also choose to be a j€rk like u too. I'm still gonna go around here calling out those who shameless repost updates on the same day as the authors. If u want to continue minding my posts, u'r very welcome to do so :))
You thinking i'm hypocritical and a phony is not my problem. You don't want to take on my challenge of sending u proof that i legally buy manga bcoz u don't wanna be proven wrong. Anyway, continue being an ass who wants to make my comments her problem. I said what I said. Uploader may also choose to be a jerk like u too. I'm still gonna go around here calling out those who shameless repost updates on the same day as the authors. If u want to continue minding my posts, u'r very welcome to do so :))
ron't worry, I know ppl who visit this site who buy legally too. i'm not going to pretend I buy all the mangas i follow here but I'm one of who also feels bad when uploaders post as soon as the official gets released.i don't mind waiting. you didn't say anything wrong.i think those who got offended got offended cos they don't like the idea that people who visit mangago can also be conscionable. they don't like anyone dampening their enjoyment of stolen goods, prpbbly thnkng since we're here,we should all just enjoy swimmng in the fires of hell LMAO
What challenge? How will screenshots of a manage prove anything to the converdation? If I’m saying this site runs illegally and the people on this site read in contrast to the authors best interest then what do you think sharing photos of a manga you bought will serve compared to the rest of the illegality of this site?
Nah it’s not like that at all. I’m offended because if they really wrote what they felt then they wouldn’t support a site at all. If they have the money to support the author then they should 100% but it’s fucked up to the author to advocate for their manga to be successful and still support the site that genuinely has the potential to put it under. It’s one think to feel bad for an author and say “hey wait a few days so they could get a couple coins” and then turn around and still use the site that’s taking in and another to not use it at all. I think if they have something to feel they should stand on that
You're calling me a phony because u don't believe I buy legally. So i'm asking u if you want me to send u proof that i mean what i say. Anyway, we're going round in circles and this is getting long. Let's just agree to disagree. I'm of the opinion that people can show a little bit of respect to authors even if they're on here. You, on the other hand, would rather everyone here do not give the authors a chance to earn a living. For you, it should be all or nothing, that people here should be the baddest they can be. Since they've chosen to steal, then why bother with the livelihood of others, right? Got you spot on, didn't i? Anyway, you do you too. Imma continue to be me.
How are we the same when i support the author and you don't? The authors i am a fan of earns from me, while you just harass people here in the comments section attempting to shame them for asking for a little bit of time so the owners can earn a liitle. Sorry to break it to you but we are far from being the same.
No, I’m calling you phony for wanting to support authors financially but then turning around to support the site that’s stealing money from them. That’s why this conversation has been going to the point it has. You’re saying one thing but behaving another. If you want to support the author then stand on it whole heartedly
This conversation has been going on because you're so offended by what i said you can't leave it alone. You can't accept that people can both purchase legally and still be here. You want all the people here to be callous and unscrupulous, and that the only ones who have every right to be here are those who wouldnt even dream of support for the authors and their works. You act as if you own this site who has the right to tell people to not be here if they do not conform to your evlness. Yes, you are ev¡l. What is so bad about hoping for a few more coins going to the author? Anyone with a conscience would not take offense from what i said. Anyway, even if you don't want to accept it, there will always be people like me here. And my message above will be for those people, not for those like you. You're beyond hope. But if calling me names helps you feel better about yourself, go on right ahead.
This conversation has been going on because you're so offended by what i said you can't leave it alone. You can't accept that people can both purchase legally and still be here. You want all the people here to be callous and unscrupulous, and that the only ones who have every right to be here are those who wouldnt even dream of support for the authors and their works. You act as if you own this site who has the right to tell people to not be here if they don't want to be totally shameless like you. Sorry, but i refuse to be like you. And whether you like it or not, there are lots like me here. You don't get to dictate who wants to be on here or not, and what we should and should not post.
Uploader, how about waiting for at least a day (or two) before you post the update here? How about giving the authors a chance to earn from their hard work first? Even if this is an illegal site, we can still have scruples, right?