Uploader, how about waiting for at least a day (or two)

toni macaroni July 28, 2023 4:50 pm

Uploader, how about waiting for at least a day (or two) before you post the update here? How about giving the authors a chance to earn from their hard work first? Even if this is an illegal site, we can still have scruples, right?

    FOXY_LION July 28, 2023 4:02 am

    no sorry dog, even if you claim to be a "nice guy" then why don't you go buy the chapters? there is no in-between. cant just try and be helpful by not helping at all.

    July 28, 2023 4:14 am

    agree! it’s not hard to wait a day or two.

    The Whovian July 28, 2023 4:24 am

    It’s crazy to complain about translators not allowing authors to gain an income when you’re reading off an illegal site. All the people who will read illegally will do so regardless if it’s two days late

    The Whovian July 28, 2023 4:24 am
    no sorry dog, even if you claim to be a "nice guy" then why don't you go buy the chapters? there is no in-between. cant just try and be helpful by not helping at all. FOXY_LION


    sr2 July 28, 2023 4:26 am
    no sorry dog, even if you claim to be a "nice guy" then why don't you go buy the chapters? there is no in-between. cant just try and be helpful by not helping at all. FOXY_LION

    Lmfaoo literally

    Ariababy23 July 28, 2023 4:56 am
    It’s crazy to complain about translators not allowing authors to gain an income when you’re reading off an illegal site. All the people who will read illegally will do so regardless if it’s two days late The Whovian


    Lala July 28, 2023 5:21 am
    no sorry dog, even if you claim to be a "nice guy" then why don't you go buy the chapters? there is no in-between. cant just try and be helpful by not helping at all. FOXY_LION

    Lmaaaao exactly.

    Allie<3 July 28, 2023 5:34 am
    It’s crazy to complain about translators not allowing authors to gain an income when you’re reading off an illegal site. All the people who will read illegally will do so regardless if it’s two days late The Whovian

    fr, its still taking income either way. and chapters are posted on tik tok too, which takes money away. ofc it isnt illegal but still

    toni macaroni July 28, 2023 2:24 pm
    It’s crazy to complain about translators not allowing authors to gain an income when you’re reading off an illegal site. All the people who will read illegally will do so regardless if it’s two days late The Whovian

    Distinguish between TRANSLATORS and UPLOADERS. Translators work, uploaders merely steal. There's a big difference. Also if UPLOADERS wait for a day or two, this CAN force fans who cannot wait to read the latest updates to actually BUY. Of course it's different for people who are simply freeloaders and thieves. It's just a matter of conscience sometimes you know

    LackadaisicalChild July 28, 2023 5:22 pm

    Agree, 100% . It wouldn't hurt to wait a few days to give better chances to the legit owners of the comic

    toni macaroni July 28, 2023 5:26 pm
    no sorry dog, even if you claim to be a "nice guy" then why don't you go buy the chapters? there is no in-between. cant just try and be helpful by not helping at all. FOXY_LION

    I buy. 'Cause i am a fan. Would you like to see pics
    or screenshots of my purchased manhwas? I can send them readily to you. Just say when

    The Whovian July 28, 2023 7:11 pm
    Distinguish between TRANSLATORS and UPLOADERS. Translators work, uploaders merely steal. There's a big difference. Also if UPLOADERS wait for a day or two, this CAN force fans who cannot wait to read the latest... toni macaroni

    What difference does it make between the uploaded and the translator if the effect is the same? The translator is translating it the same day it’s released. The uploader is uploading it the same day it’s released. They’re both stealing from the author by distributing it. Everyone reading it here illegal is doing the same exact thing. And no, you cannot force someone to buy a manga to read if they’re know it’s going to come out in two days. It’s common sense

    toni macaroni July 28, 2023 8:38 pm
    What difference does it make between the uploaded and the translator if the effect is the same? The translator is translating it the same day it’s released. The uploader is uploading it the same day it’s re... The Whovian

    I buy chapters the minute they get released for two reasons: one, appreciation for the work, and two, because i cannot wait to read the update. There are a lot like me out here/there. Not every body thinks it defies common sense to buy legally if the stolen version is going to come out in a few days. Also, even if the results are "still the same", translators, unlike mere uploaders, at least help readers to undertand non-english works. They at least spend time and effort to pick up and work on manhuas without official english versions, and for that i am grateful because it's frustrating to purchase japanese and korean works which i can barely understand using translator apps. Nevertheless, i still purchase because as i've said, i cannot wait to read the latest updates. And no, most translators (if not all) do not upload on the same day of release because they have to work on the translations, clean up, and edit.

    The Whovian July 29, 2023 4:51 am
    I buy chapters the minute they get released for two reasons: one, appreciation for the work, and two, because i cannot wait to read the update. There are a lot like me out here/there. Not every body thinks it d... toni macaroni

    This website gains millions of users a month. The people on this site read here illegally because they either candy afford to buy it or just refuse to buy the Manga they’re reading. You know you’re the minority “buying” manga and still read it illegally. You know most people on here are not paying for it. And regardless if translators are spending time translating this for us they are still 100% doing it illegally, because the author is getting NONE of their income. In fact, I’ve seen multiple translators on here request money for themselves. What you’re trying to tell me is that these illegal translators should wait a few days so that the people who read illegally will be tempted to actually pay the author when they clearly had no intent to do so since they’re on this site because YOU feel as if we’re taking advantage of their work. Get off your high horse, if you’re gonna read illegally here don’t turn the corner and tell everyone else to pay for the same manga you’re pirating

    toni macaroni July 29, 2023 10:34 am
    Agree, 100% . It wouldn't hurt to wait a few days to give better chances to the legit owners of the comic LackadaisicalChild

    Thank you. I hope there are still a lot like you here who are not total jerks

    toni macaroni July 29, 2023 10:36 am
    agree! it’s not hard to wait a day or two.

    Thank you. I hope there'd be more like us on here who choose not to be total as$h0les

    toni macaroni July 29, 2023 11:16 am
    This website gains millions of users a month. The people on this site read here illegally because they either candy afford to buy it or just refuse to buy the Manga they’re reading. You know you’re the mino... The Whovian

    Again, i purchase chapters. I can send you screenshots of the chapters i have bought, just say the word. So no, it's not "buying" with the quotation marks. And when did i "tell everyone else to pay for the manga"? I dont recall asking anyone that? I just asked the uploader to show a little bit of respect and not be the total a$sh@|e and upload on the same day. You're right, there's just some of us here compared to the millions of you. But that "some" help the authors earn, and that's still something. This may sound crazy to you but a lot of people hang around here to read comments and engage with co-fans, like i do. And I dont know what was so wrong with my post that you have to continously insult me? Never did i say do not read illegally, who would do that on an illegal site? I am just saying that even if we're on here, we can still have some conscience. What you're saying is, since this is an illegal site, it's OK to be an out and out criminal and have zero respect and scruples.

    The Whovian July 29, 2023 12:23 pm
    Again, i purchase chapters. I can send you screenshots of the chapters i have bought, just say the word. So no, it's not "buying" with the quotation marks. And when did i "tell everyone else to pay for the mang... toni macaroni

    You feeling insulted is not my problem. If you’re hurt by anything I said then I’m probably right. If you want to complain about authors not getting a fair chance at income then you need to voice that opinion on a site that’s to giving away what could be their income for free. You are not doing the author a solid or respecting them by requesting their stuff ve upload les later because once it’s uoaded they’re not getting income. You’re talking out your ass and I don’t understand why

    toni macaroni July 29, 2023 1:30 pm
    You feeling insulted is not my problem. If you’re hurt by anything I said then I’m probably right. If you want to complain about authors not getting a fair chance at income then you need to voice that opini... The Whovian

    Same, i dont understand why you're talking out your ass too. If you wanna be an as$h0|e go on right ahead. If you dont like my post, stop coming on here. Are u the/an uploader? Why u so hurt by what i said?

    The Whovian July 29, 2023 3:37 pm
    Same, i dont understand why you're talking out your ass too. If you wanna be an as$h0|e go on right ahead. If you dont like my post, stop coming on here. Are u the/an uploader? Why u so hurt by what i said? toni macaroni

    Because you’re complaining about stealing from authors on a site that runs solely off the theft of authors. It’s backwards and hypocritical. If you want to support the authors then do that but if you’re gonna get worn out by someone replying to how phony you sound then don’t make the statement at all