Didn't read the story (and i won't because i know i'll end up feeling bad for the beta), But it's usually because of the way it's portrayed. From the comments, the cheaters get a nice happy ending, so the story rewards them for cheating (you get the same response for SA and rape). That and the whole dad thing which add another weird layer. If the story had handled those very subjects differently, i guess that the rating would have been radically different.

Nowadays, some just can't understand no matter how u slap them between the differences of F and R. Nowadays some rate not because of how the plot goes but you know what I'm mean. So it's not surprising. Take example 2HA if u read that one. Some of the people I know don't like the story bc of how stupid the mc is, but failed to realize how good the story is, the plot, twist, very angst (even I don't like it) but still I read it quit few times even tho I how many times I wanna murder the mc but it's just good flow~ but ofc not all of us understand that nowadays. Haha.
what’s the point of giving a bad rating on something w a good plot, just because it includes stuff that is morally wrong? it’s fictional. when you watch tv, do you give one star ratings just because the main character committed murder or something? no. separate the actual story from your personal morals. and if you can’t, then don’t read/rate it- it doesn’t automatically make the story bad just because there’s an aspect that you don’t like. it’s like giving a one star just because the main character wore an ugly outfit. without the cheating part, the story wouldn’t be the story; there would be no internal struggle for the character which would take away a huge part of what makes it interesting. I’d somewhat understand the ratings if the cheating had no effect on the plot, but it definitely does.