I'm 100% this information was hidden from the public and we were brainwashed dinto thinking he was such a great artist and still is that's why so many webcomics mention him even in any art class they're always mentioning him and I would've stuck with the belief that he was such a great guy had it not been for this comment, more people need to know about this

Well I can recommend but I don't know any artist who ressemble picasso's and I'm sure the two I'll recommend you know already, it's Vincent Van Gogh who was truly mistreated his entire life and died young and alone and Claude Monet which I love, he even continue painting while losing his sight and it's true overwelming and beautiful. But art is really personal so I don't know if you'll like :)

I agree with you, at first I didn't dare talk about it here because... Who am I after all to talk about such delicate subject, but I learned so much about it that I thought maybe it would interest some of you to know the truth about this despicable human, I'm happy if I can make see the truth to some people who wants to know.

So, I can understand what you're trying to say, for many person it can be the case, but I think that for this specific person a lot of people just don't know what he did and what kind of person it was, so I don't know if what you say apply for this person in particular. For me in particular, I didn't know until recently but I never liked his art anyway so nothing's changed but if I (or the video of a female professionnal who talk and explain better than I am) can change the mind of some people who didn't know, then I'm happy. Otherwise... well... you are free to like what you want, even if I don't agree I have to tolerate because I can't impose on someone, of course. :)

And lastly, you say that you don't know if what I'm saying is true. Of course I'm no one, but the professor in history in the video is stating fact, then you can also look for yourself, it's not so hard, even in his painting, more than 50 painting of his are called "Le viol" : "The rape" I don't know what you need more... ? But you're free to think whatever you want !

Yes, in my opinion, we should always dissociate the people from what they did, even people we think are scum. That's my way of thinking, at least.
I always thought people want perfect heroes, but in real life, nobody is perfect and a man beating his wife can save a drowning child. Is he a good man, does it change what he did? No. He just did a good thing. The child's family should still be greatful for his act. It would have been a morally easier choice if only good people did good things, but it's not always the case.
And I understand that you're so disgusted by Picasso's deed that you think the fact that he's an internationaly respected artist is undeserving. You can, of course,judge him from this point of view.
I justed wanted to explain to you why some people still respect his art, while some think like you do.

Yes, I totally get what you mean, it's actually a deep and hard subject in philo and there's not a good answer, there's a lot of answers but there's no right or wrong one, just opinion to each individual. You exemple remind me of a character in one of my favorite video game, Mass Effect, it's a person called Samara, who's a 1000yo and chose to act for justice in the galaxy, meaning she won't let anyone die for injustice and die to save them, beeing a thousand people or just one person who's victim of injustice, and in the game we talk a lot with her and her vision of justice. And our character ask her how she can jugde a person ? What if he did good before doing wrong ? Etc... and I'll just never forget what she say. It's not an answer it's just a way of thinking "But if I have to kill a man for his crime, do I really have to know he was a loving father ?" And it was probably one of the first time I interogated myself of what's good or bad ? Right or wrong ?
Anyway haha... sorry. I get your point, but I want to let people at least know what it was so they can actually have a choice of still loving his art or not. Not knowing is not a bad thing but knowing is better.
You say we should always dissociate the art from the artist, I don't know if that work in everything but I think I mostly agree with you. I didn't like Picasso's work before knowing like I said so that doesn't change anything that I know, but it changes my perception of the human he was now, not the work he did. I don't know if that's clear. That's why I wan more people to know the human.
Now that the uke talk about Picasso, I'm reminded how a lot of people refer at him for art... like, wtf ? It's even worse when I see women praise him... do you know he's a rapist and a pedophile... ? He's a child criminal, a mysoginist piece of shit and an homophobic person. I'm quoting a french journal (because I'm french)
- ""« En 1937, il a fait 53 œuvres qui s’appellent La Femme qui pleure. (…) des portraits d’une femme en larmes, le visage déformé par la douleur et l’angoisse. Et à chaque fois, le modèle c’est Dora Maar. »"" TRAD : "In 1937, he did 53 piece of art who're called <The women who cry> (...) portraits of a woman crying, her face deformed by the pain and anguish. Every time, the model was Dora Maar (his wife)." because he beat her up, sometime rape her and then paint her.
-""Lorsqu'elle rencontre Picasso en 1926, elle est alors une adolescente de 17 ans, encore au lycée; lui en a 45"" : "When she met Picasso in 1926, she's a teenager of 17, still in school and he's 45." This man's so disgusting and everyone say his name all the time, he should be forgotten.
- ""« J’ai lu ce qu’ont laissé les maîtresses, les épouses, les enfants. Au début des années 1950, par exemple, il confisque leur passeport à deux petites Américaines venues le voir. Il leur prodigue ‘des gâteries’ – quel euphémisme sordide – pendant deux jours avant de leur rendre leurs papiers »"" : "I've read what is mistress left behind, his wifes, the childrens. At early 1950, for exemple, he take the passport of two little american girl who came to see him. He'll do some "treat" on them - what an understatment - for two days before giving their passport back.
- "après la guerre 39-45, Picasso a eu de nombreuses liaisons avec de jeunes mineures, attirées par son « aura » et sa célébrité." TRAD : "After the war 39-45, Picasso had a lot of affairs with young minors, who were attracted by his aura and celebrity.
Freaking disgusting.
If you're interested in more information about what Picasso did, I can show you youtube video of a woman on youtube who is a professor in history and made a video about him of about 8 minutes, she talk french but there's english subtitle. So please, just know what a piece of shit he is, a criminal to say the least. Love on you all.
LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsuLpUTs50c
(Put the english subtitle :) ! )