May god help bottoms

Purky July 27, 2023 8:44 pm

Can we take a moment to mention the STRUGGLES bottoms have in bl comic?
Why does the author always bash their entire existence by ruining their entire lives?
Its either bl author have a big problems with bottoms (same) or they love seeing ppl (bottoms, but are they even ppl tho?) suffer.
Istg they be giving them the most messed up heart wrenching stories seen by man kind; they'd be struggling with an abusive partner; stalker ex; low LOW self worth; depression; anxiety; no mommy no daddy; financial problems; sexaully abused; drugs and alcohol and believe me the list goes on.
And let me mention this all happens at the SAME TIME. Like god be hating on these poor dick-likers like they were h*tler in their past lives
Tbh bottoms are so strong, they handle all that shit while crying only once an hour or something; lets praise the bottoms boys for that.
But after all the repetitive slaps by the author; a charming young top with killer abs sweeps the fucked up everyday bottom off their feet (they had a pretty face) and saves them from literally EVRYTHING. "Dont speak to me abt therapy cuz i found myself a top ladies and gentlemen" - the bottom probably
I mean dont get me wrong tops have their struggles too; like being too rich, having mommy/daddy issues, not being able to gay, and such horrendous struggles

    taeyahhhh_03 August 1, 2023 6:01 pm
    Mi amor out there spitting BARS.Yk you can use commas right?? Like say; "they would stop harassing, gaslighting, atacking and yadda yadda yadda.No need to make a song in every comment you share God you and your... Purky

    babe they are probaby 12..........they arent used to correct grammar and of course they're like very dramatic!

    Sumersunlight August 1, 2023 6:40 pm

    I can't believe I read (roughly) 8 pages of the argument lmao Mikaela and others just gave up rational argument
    Go Dumbledore army

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 12:21 am Mikaela

    This legit feels like a 'MOST WANTED' poster in some classic wild wild west story. They're not listing 'trolls' or haters, those are all just people who disagreed with their opinion
    goofy post. Shouldn't be in the comments anyway? Add that crap in your Bio or in a forum. I do feel bad for the people annoyed with the comments

    And dang. Reading through it all- even people who weren't involved with the petty drama aspect of it, that were indeed calm and made good points- STILL get called a troll just for calmly disagreeing and are told "You are seriously very offensive and insensitive!" and "you are wrong/I am right".
    Just proves the point more and more that they're really not wanting to understand and just want their opinion to be validated.

    It's very obvious. And I feel bad for myself that I wasted my time writing and trying to listen instead of just having fun from the start tbh

    Sir donewithyoshit August 3, 2023 12:29 am
    I can't believe I read (roughly) 8 pages of the argument lmao Mikaela and others just gave up rational argument Go Dumbledore army Sumersunlight

    Dang congrats dude wish I had that much patience

    Wait when was that our name? Am I missing something here?? And why am I missing out on lore already, how many seasons have we had

    Bivhh August 3, 2023 7:17 am
    Dang congrats dude wish I had that much patienceWait when was that our name? Am I missing something here?? And why am I missing out on lore already, how many seasons have we had Sir donewithyoshit

    It’s okay, I was confused too but the common sense people are called dumbledores army, suggested by Mikaela.

    Morning Diamonds October 20, 2023 9:59 pm

    Start to bump this ancient topic. This is back when a few people defend a rape survivor from being cyberbullied who get cyberbullied in the process. They defended themselves from cyberbullying on a lie. They tried different techniques to get the massive number of people trolling them for defending themselves. Many of you say you were trolling them or messing with them. A few say they should not be defending themself. They should. It is normal. They don't normalize cyberbullying.

    What is missing in this thread is TM is only pretending to be you guys. It is said in other topics and in a few removed ones. He thinks the topic was removed saying he was going to start acting like Purky to Purky.
    When this topic was happening Purky and the others knew. But new people coming on this topic don't know it is pretending to be Purky and a few others.
    Tm said this on many topics.

    "I may had acted liked you guys. Because You said it was fun but I find it to be cringeworthy"
    This is about the same time.

    And here

    "One of the problems is I tried many methods and many were not like me. I stop being me on here. I am going back to being me."

    The TM in this topic was someone bluffing his behavior to stop the attacks on him.

    There are many times he will say he acted like you guys who cyberbullied him. He was in an overwhelming situation with many people attacking them on a lie when they only defended a rape survivor. If people are allowed to say what they want about Jinx why have they been cyberbullied and forced to be silent? When people could leave them. When cyberbullies could leave them alone. They would not be "annoying" if cyberbullies left them alone and allowed everyone to have an opinion here.

    The cyberbullies created the problem and have kept it going. Don't blame them. I hope this is my last message on the fake drama you guys love. Tm and Tora are ignoring you guys. They are not toys.

    Tang ina? October 21, 2023 2:50 am

    How the living FUCK DID YOU EVEN FIND THIS?


    Morning Diamonds October 21, 2023 5:31 am
    The first one is a copy and pasted error. You are correcting commas? Grammar police. We are not in a school. No, with adding person to this sentence. I meant to make many people one. That is why English is craz... Torakaze

    Torakaze, I don't know why tangina has it in for you. You have not talked to her since October 1st besides when you asked her to leave you alone and offered her friendship when she tried to suppress your voice with a fake warning.

    You and TM have LEFT HER ALONE. She asked are we insane but would she not be insane? She tried to appear to be "New" to Jinx in September. She liked this topic. She either knew about it or hit favorites. As many people would find this by hitting favorites. Sort by: Date/ Agree/ Popularity/ Last Reply She liked this post 2023-09-29 23:16. Is she calling herself insane too?

    She also said something about participating in the chaos again. So, you will regret talking to her because of her behavior because you were curious about her other account. I say alt has been confirmed. And I hope this is my last message on this fake drama.

    Tang ina? October 21, 2023 6:08 am

    why do you act like that’s some catch 22 or some kind of nice unhinged way of calling me out but this isn’t fake drama you lot keep commenting and fighting people like no tomorrow it’s insane and sad

    LayLights October 21, 2023 8:16 am
    Its even more ridiculous because its target audience is females and women. This might sound somewhat sexist but i have no other way of saying this. Fujoshit women hate sexual assault, rape and domestic violence... toilet terrorist

    Even though I disagree, and would argue on how detrimental or 'harmful' these kind of stories can actually be, I 100% agree with people not caring enough about when men get abused. It's a horrible thing that's been normalized, and hopefully it changes someday. I don't think that change is with getting rid of stories like this, though. I'm not really sure where you would start to achieve that change aside from publicizing as many cases, in which female/male on male abuse happens, as possible. You just gotta bring attention to it. It's 100% sexist, but it's not you that's sexist. It's societal expectations, to a degree.

    Without elaborating (I am have not been on my A-game with words and explanations lately, so I'm not gonna try having a civil discussion on it, because I won't be proud of it XD), I definitely see and understand your argument on the stories, and there's a valid debate to be had there, where you would have more than just solid points. Just remember that there is extreme nuance to this kind of topic, and that people read and enjoy these types of stories for different reasons. Granted, there are probably no healthy reasons, but I would argue that there are no... Extremely unhealthy ones either.

    More than just inconsiderate and possibly dehumanizing? Perhaps, but not to any real people. It's purely fictional. So no one's truly getting hurt, and there's not a whole generation of kids inhaling these stories (that they should not be reading) like candy at ages where they probably would be heavily influenced by this. I'm not saying adults (or teens, because let's face it, at least a 'few' consume adult material like this) can't be influenced, but they do tend to have a more fundamental understanding of what's logically healthy in a relationship and the slim chance of crucial and needed change in people even just slightly like JK. I don't see many die-hard romantics who deeply believe in love to the extent you speak of. No where that isn't TikTok, where all extremes are encouraged because it gets attention.

    However, what I'm more concerned about is the men and women that get abused in the porn industry. Now that's not fictional at all, and is actually probably societally detrimental to a certain degree.

    [[I just wanna say, I've always really admired your views, and even if there are some things we would disagree on, I will forever support your fundamental reasonings.]]

    jojo October 21, 2023 8:25 am
    why do you act like that’s some catch 22 or some kind of nice unhinged way of calling me out but this isn’t fake drama you lot keep commenting and fighting people like no tomorrow it’s insane and sad Tang ina?

    It's kind of creepy that keep following every post you make,
    they are stalking you and waiting for their chance to verbally attack you (and that is what we call cyberbullying) they came to a post that was made 5 months ago just to say some crap that no one is gonna read and also upload pictures of you stating your opinion, but when we do the same thing its unfair and its publicly shanming them. bruh this much hypocrisy.

    Purky October 21, 2023 3:22 pm

    Jesus christ. Morning diamond; your obsessed bbg.
    I think you need to set the phone down and apperciate nature for a second.
    God dude; i made this post and i forgot it existed.
    Wait before you set your phone down, read the rest of my topics. There are alot of arguements done in them where you can nag on :D

    Roaman October 21, 2023 6:37 pm
    Torakaze, I don't know why tangina has it in for you. You have not talked to her since October 1st besides when you asked her to leave you alone and offered her friendship when she tried to suppress your voice ... Morning Diamonds

    "I hope this is my last message on this fake drama."
    You are not obsessed. You made a post with a clear message and someone accused you of being insane. You show the hypocrisy of it since they knew of the post when they were "new" and you pointed out a statement. If that person followed you here how are you "Cyberbully" them? Tangina?'s first reply is after yours. I don't see you talking or verbally attacking Tangina? You explained a statement that is not an opinion. You are not even fighting. I don't fully understand this after reading two threads but it seems to me you are getting bullied with lies as you explain and left.
    I want no part in this.

    Tang ina? October 21, 2023 6:42 pm

    Your account was made in Oct ,7 of this year and you have no reading or fucking want to reads

    You guys are terrible at hiding the fact you’re all alt account of one person when you all have the same speech patterns

    Roaman October 21, 2023 6:51 pm
    Your account was made in Oct ,7 of this year and you have no reading or fucking want to reads You guys are terrible at hiding the fact you’re all alt account of one person when you all have the same speech pa... Tang ina?

    I have reading and want to reads but I have to set to where only I see it. Jinx is one. You are paranoid. I am not them.
    You are wrong. You are looking for a fight with any lie you can come up with.

    Tang ina? October 21, 2023 6:56 pm

    I litteraly could care less have you not seen the vibe in the comments?

    I have pretty good reason to be when these people find ways to make themselves relevant and contact me through topics I participate in

    find your a new person but I literally don’t care if you don’t want to be a part of this don’t mention me by name.

    it’s very easy not to be a part of this

    .(^^) October 21, 2023 7:03 pm
    I have reading and want to reads but I have to set to where only I see it. Jinx is one. You are paranoid. I am not them. You are wrong. You are looking for a fight with any lie you can come up with. Roaman

    see their replies and you will have an idea on whats going on. also how did you even find this topic when its like been 4 months ? you are being sus

    Roaman October 21, 2023 7:13 pm
    see their replies and you will have an idea on whats going on. also how did you even find this topic when its like been 4 months ? you are being sus .(^^)

    You are being sus. You don't know how this site works? It was in the last replies. blink blink. I been here two weeks? And you been here since 2017? You don't know how this site works!!??

    Roaman October 21, 2023 7:16 pm
    I litteraly could care less have you not seen the vibe in the comments?I have pretty good reason to be when these people find ways to make themselves relevant and contact me through topics I participate in find... Tang ina?

    My first comment was not to you. You were not my person. You are irrational. bye bye.
    I am leaving.

    .(^^) October 21, 2023 7:18 pm

    no i actually didnt know that,

    but woooow what did you block me though ?