Its even more ridiculous because its target audience is females and women. This might sound somewhat sexist but i have no other way of saying this. Fujoshit women hate sexual assault, rape and domestic violence until its a man being abused. They dont care because 1, this kind of material wont impact them since it only dehumanises male vicitms and 2, they cant relate to this enough to sympathise with it. I often see the argument that vicitims want to see a rekationship where a victim and an abuser get through their 'struggles' and persevere because LOVE beats ANYTHING but really these survivors need therapy since their view of love is so distorted and warped they cant comprehend why this kind of romanticisation is harmful. Just a thought though ().

Your wording might sound sexist, but i agree with your point. Male victims arent talked abt as much and the fact many ppl even sexualize it to this degree is just insane. The double standard is crazy, bcuz if it was a woman in this type of story with a man; nobody would be okay with it (colleen hoover moment)

If someone blocks you, you let it go.
But making a call out post over an argument in a comment sections definitely silly, it shows you really care about what they think. You probably need to take a break.
It seems like some people are still taking it too personally it's a story, and again there is nothing to defend? We can hate it if we want, but I still don't understand why others feel the need to retaliate on the hate??? It's hated for a good reason.
You're acting no better and also seem like a troll. So.

I can’t respond to the Purky’s lies on Yumytoo topic.
Mikaela anyone would understand that and not make a comment. You exposed yourself as troll.
I was defending the truth you would be defending yourself or stand up with me if you were a good faith actor. Stop raping us.
Purky stop raping us.
Only cowardly people would troll.

Bro now YOU'RE trolling. You're repeating things and saying 'purky stop rping us'
And you keep calling it 'the truth' when you argued that anyone is allowed their opinion?
No one is rping anyone?? What does this even mean, please log off and touch grass I do feel bad, you fr need a BREAK
You're acting no better bfr

How about if one block you and still attacks you. I am defending my self. I don’t know who your comment is for but it definitely doesn’t fit me or the situation. I don’t care about what they think but I care about the truth. You probably need to take a break to understand the situation if you are meaning me. This isn’t about the story. Attacks on me and 3 others are not the story. There is no reason to hate us. One was a rape survivor. You don’t understand the situation to justify my behavior or call me a troll. I am right to defend myself. Try to understand the situation.

Trolling tactics don’t work on me. I know I am not a troll. I am not trolling and that means nothing coming from a third account of toilet’s. I am not sorry the story doesn’t have your view point attacking us doesn’t change it.
When you judge others you don’t define them, you define yourself. If you are saying someone is delulu you are saying you are. If you are saying get help that is for you. We don’t value your trolling tactics or insults. I am only defending myself.

Dude. You don't understand.
You don't NEED to defend yourself, you shouldn't let some words hurt you. You can totally drop it and go take a spa day. You guys are over analyzing shit and taking it personally. And this is from a hyper-sensitive person, you ARE taking it to heart. Just let it go, you don't need to explain yourself because your 'truth' is still just your opinion.
And I'm sorry it happened, but being a survivor doesn't make you an all-knowing person.
That doesn't make sense and again, it just makes it personal.
No one is judging you. because we don't care about you. We don't even know who you are.
Go drink some water. Quit defending yourself and go breathe. You don't care about us, because we are nothing to you. Go chill.

This is for mi amor. I think they blocked me. (I am so confused rn)
I am so confused rn, what did i do
When did i "rape" you dude, this is so cringe. I cant imagine you comparing a debate on the internet on an illegal website to a real life crime, touch so grass ASAP.
I cant belive you went to this post to "expose" me. Its actually embarrassing.
Can we take a moment to mention the STRUGGLES bottoms have in bl comic?
Why does the author always bash their entire existence by ruining their entire lives?
Its either bl author have a big problems with bottoms (same) or they love seeing ppl (bottoms, but are they even ppl tho?) suffer.
Istg they be giving them the most messed up heart wrenching stories seen by man kind; they'd be struggling with an abusive partner; stalker ex; low LOW self worth; depression; anxiety; no mommy no daddy; financial problems; sexaully abused; drugs and alcohol and believe me the list goes on.
And let me mention this all happens at the SAME TIME. Like god be hating on these poor dick-likers like they were h*tler in their past lives
Tbh bottoms are so strong, they handle all that shit while crying only once an hour or something; lets praise the bottoms boys for that.
But after all the repetitive slaps by the author; a charming young top with killer abs sweeps the fucked up everyday bottom off their feet (they had a pretty face) and saves them from literally EVRYTHING. "Dont speak to me abt therapy cuz i found myself a top ladies and gentlemen" - the bottom probably
I mean dont get me wrong tops have their struggles too; like being too rich, having mommy/daddy issues, not being able to gay, and such horrendous struggles