See? in all that I writed what bothered you is that I "maculated" your vision of children, in all the range of things you could argue
like if these content should or not be showing in this kind of manga, why only in this kind of manga, argue about the age difference and levels of maturity, or even the proper age to experience and be taught this each thing but no what bother is who is the pedo and I say a wet dream at that age is normal

Yes again I already said this is what makes it pedo content NOT THE STORY, not a kid being in love, and surely not the situation, fanservice of kids is what makes it pedo, and this would be true no matter the story (as lots of shounen, romance
, isekai and most animes nowadays, they are not more or less pedo than this) and this story didn't suddenly became pedo because now black hair is reaching 18, because they kissed or because mc had a wet dream

And I never called you or anyone a pedo, I said your vision is the same as pedos, and that it harms real children I explained why, and also talked about the good points in this manga, and is fun that you accuse me of what you do
Of what you talked the low grades got me
(Please go on, I am training my English and distracting myself of the life of a public university student, I let to respond you this hour just not to die of anxiety until therapeutic 1 test.....and now I remembered it.....I AM GONNA DIEEEE)

Now it is serious I am begging you, when they say it's impossible to leave a public university sane they tell the truth, pedophilia would be haven, the teachers are crazy, the annual schedule is crazy the daily schedule too, the secretary is crazy, students enter crazy and we become even more, no one talks about anything besides grades, studing, suicide, tests, drugs, interneship, alcohol, teaches, our networking is based in our carrer, your family just asks about your career, the drugs you take have to improve your performance, my psychiatrist says panic attacks, suicide thought and forgetting things is normal (yes he graduated in a Public university) my thesis advisor is my favorite person, another girl killed herself and we talk about her grades, her study material, her drive archive, I need something else to think and fluffy stories about fist love won't do it, the comments section is way more interesting

See this is how I know you don't fully read replies bc the main issue isn't the kid having these feelings bc it's normal. The issue is how they're represented I've read stories that showed the feelings of growing up and entering puberty and these authors show it in a completely normal way. But the difference between them and this author is how the author doesn't seem to have the intentions

Ok it got cut off so I'm continuing it here:
The author doesn't seem to have the intentions of making it a story about puberty and growing up. It's completely okay to write a story about puberty and like these things. So the problem isn't even about keeping children's purity. Like I have said in the first reply the only weird parts were when the author were depicting these feelings in a weird way and when the older child a 17 year old started also slightly romantically falling for him and thinking about a relationship with a child. And the fact that his friend is also urging him to reply and think about his feelings for a child is also weird. It feels as if the author is trying to push a romantic relationship between a 17 year old and a 10 year old. It doesn't matter if their both technically minors because one is close being an adult and one is far from that. So again it's not about wanting to keep a child's purity and making them clean from nasty thoughts but more so the relationship between the main characters. There are better ways the author could have done to have shown the child's feelings and him aging and growing up as he experiences puberty. And we're both not dumb we can tell how this manga is going to end. It's 100% not going to be about puberty and growing up and getting past that.

Omg I j realized that there were more comments but honestly I'm saying this rn idgaf about kids experiencing wet dreams it's whatever and maybe my wording was too weird so it was missed but the problem is the relationships between the two, more important the older kids feelings for the younger kid. Kids can have crushes so idrc abt how he feels about the high schooler but what made it creepy was how the older kid is feeling. That's all ok also idk abt others but I j saw this like on the same day I first replied and decided to read all the chapters. There were moments it got weird to me but I continued reading cuz I thought it was just me since I don't think I'm the best at reading the relationships and feelings between ppl either irl or in a story. And there were times where I've j been thinking in a story "ohhh I think the relationship is like this" and then later reading the comments in the end and realizing I'm dead wrong. So in a way i gave this story the benefit of the doubt bc I don't trust myself LMAOO but then I read the comments so I realized I was kinda in the right. I think my later replies made it feel as if the problem is the child having these dreams so I'm sorry abt that cuz that's not the problem at all
HAHA I can kinda get seeing stuff like this as a distraction but personally when I'm stressed I j read fluff bc it makes me feel as if life is great until I come back to reality I really hate fights and this is the first time i've ever commented but I'm surprised that I'm not anxious but commenting and replying does make me get all the hard shit out of my head so I kinda understand loll

Exacly is so good to get the things out of the head(I prefer real life terror than a terror I can't fight with, and I just give 5 star to save the manga and rate after if I feel like it) I understand where you come from, I was grossed out by some comments. People were pissed that 1mc was not "cute and innocent" anymore "if she was going to make him like that she should make him older already" and that the "fun was the innocence" (as if his age was older they could have more perverted stuff, or that they wanted the "clueless kid provoking" kind of content), it didn't please them anymore and as they couldn't pretend it was "innocent" NOW it was pedo stuff (like they liked to see kids clueless while doing provocative things but they were posing as "kids protector") your comments in special were saying kind the same (like really similar frases) I did realize you were repeating their opinions (my comments were only my vision about these opinions and how it didn't make sense)
I personally didn't see the older one replying the feelings, I saw more of a Virgin being hit on by a young person but yeah this is very pedo stuff still I always try to really believe and conect to the story, until now it is very believable to me (when I was 10/11 me and my friends were way less "innocent" than 1mc, and most of the girls crush were 2mc age, mine too, but I was the only one who knew the real reason why we were not ready, I saw fist hand how ignorance in the name of "protection" is harmful)
I already read a lot of stories like this were they end up not dating (one of these where the older one was telling the story latter on, it was one of my fav, and the whole story I was "no no no no no.....yes breath you are the older one") and for the pace and how the older one is replying to it I am still hoping that the kid will grow up and this will be the "seed" to the older not see him just as a brother (I will still give the benefit of the doubt to the author if they skip all the development as adults I will know she was just interested in show the pedo stuff, but as fanservice culture in fluffy stuff in Japan is strong, and there is a pressure to serve it, I will wait)
I always knew it was very fetishesed in the panels and design but to tel the truth it is way less than most new anime, it is okay level to me, it didn't really interfered in the experience of the story, and the comedy is funny without being nonsense( I usually don't like fluffy stuff cuz I can't make myself believe it and I end up frustrated with the characters stupidity)

Just want to point out that the age of consent in Japan was updated a while back and it is now 16, not 13! For reference, most states in the US have an age of consent of 16 (search up age of consent by states map if you don't believe me). I'd also like to point out that just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's not pedophilia, but the culture is an important thing to remember before reading this comment.
Look, I completely understand where everyone is coming from and it's okay to have your opinions and moral standards. I'm with you guys. But before calling the author gross and attacking them, please try to keep in mind that this is a Japanese comic. It wasn't made for western readers. It was made by a Japanese person for people in Japan. In Japan the age of content is far lower than it is in say Canada or the US. So what might seem incredibly weird to us, is pretty normal to them. If we grew up in Japan as well maybe it wouldn't seem like such a big deal either. I'm not saying every Japanese person is down for age gaps and such (as you often see that brought up as a point of conflict in mangas with setting like this) but it isn't actually illegal. Add to that, that they are both minors. So please at least keep that in mind before attacking the author. You don't have to read it, it's okay for you to pass on it, but being hateful and/toxic does not make you better than the author.