Beloved rose how many accounts do you have? I have one. They seem to have problems with telling a male from a female as they do with rape. This whole post is people attacking Rose. Now me. Hahahaha. That is delusional. No one is calling her out. There is nothing to call out but to call themselves out for poor behavior and attacking others. They can’t handle the truth or have a conversation with others.
Consent can be given and taken away. Dan consented and when he takes it away he consents back. You are talking about yourself. If you have to retorted to name calling you know you are wrong. You are talking about yourself there. You are not her. She is the rape survivor.
Why don’t you stop attacking and insulting because you know your wrong in your false fantasy that this story is rape. You know your wrong with the name calling. You took the lost.
And ask about my post. It was a warning about a toxic person. Your ignorance is showing and your behavior is BS.
Congratulations on your taking the lost. Your comments are BS. I only have one account. If I had a second account it would not be something girly. I am straight male married to woman who loves Yaoi. My best friend loves Yaoi. I get called in to analyze or settle things. My friend ask me to analyze if this was rape. Rose we meet on here. We don’t know her. If you have to lie, make two people one, name calling, that is you taking the lost in your disgusting fantasy that this story isn’t rape. Instead of listening or admitted it you lash out and attack others. We are not the trolls here. See you comments and read what a troll is. We tried to have a conversation. How you treated us over your disgusting opinion was hideous! Your opinion has no evidence or value. Go educate yourself
Do you know what I said:
“If we did not have his thoughts or his background many would not be claiming this hideous fantasy. “
Hideous fantasy = she is talking about rape. She is calling rape hideous. Yet, she is called a rape apologist.
“ Since this is opposite world on this page. We know there are 11 trolls on this page. 11 thumbs down here I came.
Those 11 opinions don’t matter. Opinions don’t change the story.”
I would ask her how she knows. 11 thumbs down here I came means she knows she is going to get 11 because she was currently at zero. She is referring to my post that was just a warning. Nothing to do with disagreeing or opinions. If you thumbs down a warning about a toxic person that is going against the story, you are going against the story.
Your opinions don’t change the facts. We are not rape apologist and you should do some soul searching for an insult like that. You are trying to force your opinion to be right to shows you know your wrong. You attacks harm you. It states you can’t handle being wrong or have a conversation with someone you are just nasty and worst then Joo to her, to us. The comments should be blocked again. People are to immature to handle a conversation.
I have reported this to mangago. I hope they do something. You should not be treated others like this, especially a rape survivor to be right in false beliefs.
I'm gonna act as if I really believe in this bs, you supposedly being a rape survivor doesn't give you any right to excuse it. How many people do you need to confront you to finally get a grip of all of your bs ? Also it's clear as day those two accounts are yours, you make the same spelling mistakes in every comments, and you two talk and refer to things that aren't talked in this comment section.
You shared with the class.
“I can’t understand the basic plot to yell rape on a case of sex.”
Dan “prostitute” himself out on his own free will for money.
If we did not have his thoughts or his background many would not be claiming this hideous fantasy.
Since this is opposite world on this page. We know there are 11 trolls on this page. 11 thumbs down here I came.
Those 11 opinions don’t matter. Opinions don’t change the story.