It is a duck of course. But people sees a goose because is reminds of a goose but they never want to take a closer look or see it is a duck. They want to see thoughts and background information to yell Goose or one word when the next line says otherwise against him to say Goose.
When others say it is a duck, they attack. A duck is a duck. A goose is a goose. A duck isn’t a goose

I was curious now that the comment sections are back what kind of excuses are ppl still reading this trash giving and damn yours wins the palm.
Enjoy this garbage as much as you want but don't fool yourself, this is just plain rape, the mc is literally in dire need of money, he isn't enjoying life and earning money just for the sake of it.
It's rape or rape for him, the only thing he gets to "choose" is who does it to him between this disgusting boxer and these goons that collects his debts.
There's no word big enough to describe how uterly horrendous and messed up your mindset is to think a guy like mc has any free will. Log off the internet and go seek a therapist, you're in dire need of one.

He was pushed into a corner so he would agree. Consent can be given and taken away. Dan is clearly not enjoying it and his boundaries are not respected. You can disagree all you want but to call people with a different opinion trolls is ridiculous. You are the one not thinking this trough. Maybe you are the type to not take stories seriously but don't belittle others opinions.

“Consent can be given.”
You can disagree all you want but this isn’t rape. No Mikaela I don’t say people with different opinions where trolls. I was referring to a different thread it had nothing to do with disagreeing or opinions. It was calling trolls trolls.
You are the one belittling me. I have thought it though and read the story. I have not belittle anyone or you. You are belittling me to where you are lying.

My comment wins nothing. My comment was truth. Your comment wins the palm. Are you going to claim incest next? I understand the story and know consent can be given and taken away. You most of skimmed the story to force your narrative and you are so insecure in your opinion, you are attacking me here. You have to use background information that only the reader knows to prove your point. He never said it is rape and be consent to Joo and made agreement with him. He is adult (29) he knew what he was getting himself into. Your advice take it for yourself. Your are being utterly disgusting and horrendous in your mindset to attack a stranger spoken the truth that goes against your opinion. You are dire need of one. I am not. Torakaze is right in they should take away the comments. How horrendous and heartless can people be.

I have read my comment back. I had two people attacked me. I blocked two people.
Mikaela said “ You can disagree all you want but to call people with a different opinion trolls is ridiculous.”
That isn’t what I said. That should not even be a comment to my comment. What!?
My last part is referring to something else that had nothing to do with someone opinions or disagreeing with the story.
I am calling a troll a troll. How those two acted these would be two trolls attacking and belittling me. But I can see Mikaela being triggered instead. I blocked because I know an apology I wouldn’t never get.

Apology for what ? Why should people apologise lmao you're the one who's wrong, you sick rape apologist, go get help. Block as many ppl as you want, that won't stop more to confront you and your sick mindset. You're hilariously pathetic.
Wild idea, if you don't want to be "belittled" don't excuse rape then you won't get hate for being disgusting you dirty fethiz.

Let’s think about this when you wrote a comment you have no votes. Read the post again!
“11 thumbs down here I come.”
It is referring to another post. Another situation.
Your comment is ridiculous. She isn’t being criticized. She is being attacked. She handled it well. Rape is an uneducated opinion taking the story out of context. You took her comments out of context and even change it to attack her on your trigger. Your argument don’t even make sense.

She isn’t wrong. She isn’t a rape apologist. She is a rape survivor. She is a rape survivor telling you this is not rape.
You want to be right in your opinion that is hideous attack her. How has the sick mindset to attack people on opinions with hideous insults to be right in false beliefs.
You are the one being disgusting because you are wrong. You can’t handle being wrong.

She is a rape survivor telling you this isn’t rape. You are talking about yourself. She is talking referring to MY post on the 11 thumbs down. I am fully aware of that situation and why she said that. She wrote that when she had no votes.
That had nothing to do with disagreeing or dislike her comments as trolls. You are lying there pal.
This isn’t about disagreeing with her.
But so since she can understand the story better than you, you are immaturity name calling.
If you are insulting, you lost. When you are disagreeing with someone you don’t nickname. It is a immature.
She is not a rape apologist. It is your opinion it is rape. Your opinion you are attacking a rape survivor. You are calling a rape survivor a rape apologist over your opinion and you disagree because you can’t understand the facts of a story.

She is a rape survivor telling you this isn’t rape. You are talking about yourself.
But so since she can understand the story better than you, you are immaturity name calling.
If you are insulting, you lost. When you are disagreeing with someone you don’t nickname. It is a immature.
She is not a rape apologist. It is your opinion it is rape. Your opinion you are attacking a rape survivor. You are calling a rape survivor a rape apologist over your opinion and you disagree because you can’t understand the facts of a story.
I am a rape crisis counselor. I am not a rape apologist. Your opinion is just your opinion and I don’t value your opinion. Your hate is disgusting. Your behavior is disgusting. I am a male with a wife. I never meet Rose. Take your own advice. Do better.

When there's no consent it's rape, which literally is what happen during the first act, yall are really sickos.
She's a rape apologist, that's it.
And your post isn't here what kind of bs nonsense are you even trying to say... Not only are you two in dire need of professional help but every of your comments make no sense at all.
You shared with the class.
“I can’t understand the basic plot to yell rape on a case of sex.”
Dan “prostitute” himself out on his own free will for money.
If we did not have his thoughts or his background many would not be claiming this hideous fantasy.
Since this is opposite world on this page. We know there are 11 trolls on this page. 11 thumbs down here I came.
Those 11 opinions don’t matter. Opinions don’t change the story.