Eh, she more or less stops running and more of a "I want to be independent" as you get closer to the 140th chapter. [Spoiler-ish warning, it happens in the chapters on here but if you haven't read to it yet be warned.] Like the man gets down on a knee and proposes to her and she walks away. Our little silly Lin told him how to properly propose "modern day style" saying she'd love it if he did it that way. She shuts the door without a word. So she at least stopped running, but pretty sure she'll accept her feelings soon. There's only so many dangerous situations you can get into where he saves her xD

Your welcome!! I know the struggle, sometimes I have to push myself through things. If the series doesn't catch my interest by chapter 10 or I feel like it's just torture to continue reading I'll drop it like a rock. If it looks like it has potential I'll read it until I can see the story can no longer save itself [there have been quite a few, they either get dropped or tossed in the forever hiatus state] however there have been a number of them that have saved themselves by listening to their readers as a slight guide and improved in strokes. It honestly has to be so horrendous or the worst translations in the world for me to drop before I can make it to chapter 10 xD

It's the headaches that get me xD I'll read some bad translations and when my brain is like "ok that is WAY too much rewording, melt down in progress... abort read! ABORT!! ABORT!!!" Then I just break down laughing at the mess that I can no longer function and have to stop reading at all for the duration of the day xD
Left off ch 76, tell me someone anyone!!! Does the fl ever stop running away? Also the father has the right to be in his child’s life, especially when he hasn’t done anything wrong as far as I know. There r several single mothers in the world wishing that their baby daddy would play a role, even if it’s a small one in their child’s life. The child would be able to grow up w a father figure. Ik that I’m glad that my dad stayed in my life, so I believe that the fl should at least give him the chance to spend time with his child.