I don’t think she will go as far as to cheat on him. She’s the type to plot your demise then walk away lol. She definitely loves Blaine (not in a ride or die kinda way) but she def loves herself more. So if he does something that’s out of pocket or cross an unforgivable boundary, then I can see her striking back without hesitation. They sure make an interesting pair, while they love each other they do not fully trust each other either (at least from fl perspective) because they know what the other is capable of and have always been transparent about it.

Oooh! I've mentioned this in a different comment. I can see a possibility that can happen with 2nd ML that may never happen with Blaine. Verta may be more willing to confess how she's not really Verta and how she switched bodies, that's if 2nd ML confesses to the time regression first. I think there's a hugher chance of a lower guard with him.
Hmmm I honestly like both guys. Blaine is def the better match for her but it just feel a little off. Her stating that she loves him but either one of them can flip at anytime and become enemies… it just seems like no matter what Blaine does or how their relationship progresses does, she will live the rest of her life with her guards up… but also her and Blaine are both cut from the same cloth so who knows, he might be feeling the same about her. Maybe I’ve read to many stories where I’m conditioned to expect a happily ever after…
Anyway, maybe her relationship with the grand duke will give us an insight on what it’s like for her to not have those guards up