The parents

DokiDoki July 24, 2023 11:25 am

Okay, so people are comparing
Kyungsoo going behind Chowon's back to when Hyesung went behind Dojin's to introduce Byul properly to his family ..
I feel the difference is Abuse and Threats..
Dojin's family only expressed that they were upset. They never threatened Hyesung and they were not at all abusive to Dojin. THEY ARE A GOOD FAMILY.

THAT is why it is different...
Hyesung is only guilt of bringing his baby around SAFE people..

Chowon's mothers JUST got done saying to get rid of the baby and was abusive to Chowon until this point?? Why would you feel like that was a safe person to bring your baby around?
I have really liked Kyungsoo up until that point.
Chowon had a VERY good reason to not want his baby to be around his family and for Kyungsoo to not care and lie to him is so toxic.

It would be different if Chowon's family wanted to change like he did and APOLOGIZED but we never saw that??? Therefore Kyungsoo is bringing their baby around people he doesn't know but also knows are toxic bad people behind his partners back. I'm Dissapointed.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk

    Vidabels July 24, 2023 1:27 pm

    Kyungsoo and Hyesung's situation is really different so I agree they shouldnt relate both situations. But I think the main point here is the reason why Chowon changed (little by little), finally decided to take control of his life for the better, build a family, realised how lucky he was to be part of Kyungsoo's family and he wanted a family like that- all of it was because Kyungsoo GAVE HIM A CHANCE TO CHANGE despite everything he did in the past. Chowon was also pure evil and selfish in the past we dont forget that right? Is that kind of person also safe to have a child? No! But Chowon knows that if Kyungsoo didnt give him a chance before and just gave up on him he might not be where he at right now. Kyungsoo knows that Chowon is a mere reflection if what his family is like and now that he is married to Chowon and they have a child, they are now a family to him. So it is obvious that he will give the same chance to them like what he did to Chowon.
    We can say Chowon just wants to protect Bin, but we all know it is just the pride talking. Chowon has his issues with his family, but what made him really mad at them was when they abducted Kyungsoo and the things they said at them afterwards. We are also forgetting that Bin is also Kyungsoo's child.He has the right to decide if giving them a chance to see Bin would be for the best and he was right. The conversation they had in the car, how his dad acknowledge that it was her fault why Chowon is like that and she even thanked him.

    Im sorry this is soooo long haha but ig you already know what I mean.

    DokiDoki July 24, 2023 1:49 pm
    Kyungsoo and Hyesung's situation is really different so I agree they shouldnt relate both situations. But I think the main point here is the reason why Chowon changed (little by little), finally decided to take... Vidabels

    Haha mine was long too, I appreciate the response!
    I get what you mean.
    I guess I can kind of see it from both ways..
    I do feel Kyungsoo should have waited for an apology from Chowon's family though.
    Like he did with Chowon. He gave up until Chowon apologized and actually said he wanted to change. If they apologized Then it's like, okay these people are trying to be better. I just feel so uncomfy that there wasn't anything nontoxic before hand to make him decide bringing the baby in was okay. Ya know what I mean?

    Vidabels July 25, 2023 3:18 am
    Haha mine was long too, I appreciate the response!I get what you mean.I guess I can kind of see it from both ways..I do feel Kyungsoo should have waited for an apology from Chowon's family though. Like he did ... DokiDoki

    Yea I get what you mean.. I feel you! When I lived with my previous partners when I was younger I was like this hahhahaha!! But yk if the author makes it that Kyungsoo would wait for Chowon's fam to apologise it would contradict the type of person he is being portrayed in the story. KS is really about being simp to Chowon, being kind, humble so it is obvious that he will disregard what was done to him if he can accomplish what he wanted in the first place.