Stop this crap

Micaela123 July 24, 2023 7:13 am

I'm going to drop this for a while until I can peek some positive (and DEFINITIVE) development. Difficult moments are supposed to have the purpose of emphasizing us with the protagonist and making us anticipate revenge and well-deserved happiness.
The feeling is that NOTHING will ever even alleviate this crap. Whatever happens now will be too little, too late.
There is a limit and here it has been abundantly exceeded.
The repeated torture no longer seems to be a function of a plot but for the pleasure of torture.

    sam July 24, 2023 12:17 pm

    Same I'm dropping this and reading it again it when it's completed

    nf_ts March 22, 2025 9:00 am

    Like it's so fucking pathetic. The author needs to just drop dead and die pmo