Here is a chapter by chapter review

CuriousGumWad July 24, 2023 5:02 am

Trigger warning for sexual assualt, some light slut shaming from me and rape

Ch.1- porno bullshit where sexual activities cause magic to be "absorbed" into one another.
Ch.2 - MC is acting more like a generic FL with how naive, oblivious and "innocent" they portray her as, ML feels like he only likes her because she's poor, also they're pulling some bullshit where the character she possessed made the ML fall in love with her so he isn't really in love with her but the original mob character, tldr he doesn't fall in love with her because he already fell in love with OG mob character.
Ch.3 - YAAASSS HE DESERVES TO BE WITH OG MOB NOT YOU BITCH. You can't make me feel bad story these two were basically just fuck buddies.
Ch.4- OG fl is kind of a creep but ML is also a creepy rapey kind of guy so I guess they deserve each other. They just made FL a generic female like omg she's such a basic bitch. God I hate this rapey ML. WHAT!! NO!! I DON'T WANT THEM TOGETHER HE SUCKS AND SHE SUCKS FOR PRETENDING TO BE HIS FIRST LOVE THIS IS ALL AWFUL.
Ch.5- and then they fucked in the bath. Oh hey OG fl is doing some shit thank god hope she fucks over the FL. And now he wants to take her on a trip alone together. God I'm just so tired.
Ch.6- Bitch what do you mean it's different ML raped you the first time unless she's a shallow little slut who only cares about looks wait... Oh my god she really only likes ML because of his looks and his dick. JUST BE FUCK BUDDIES. OG fl please I beg of you just get rid of FL or ML PLEASE.
Ch.7- what kind of rescue romance bullcrap was that??? NOW HE'S ACTING EMBARRASSED WHEN SHE'S TOLD THAT HE KEPT TRYING TO MARRY HER BEFORE???AND THAT IT'S "EMBARRASSING" THAT HE COULDN'T GO TO SCHOOL BECAUSE OF HIS "SPECIAL" POWERS. Dude its not your girl it's some other bitch in her body. I hate how weak willed and dependent she is on ML like have some of your own skills and attributes to bring to the table because basic human decency is not a desired trait but an expected one. God FL is such a whore in a useless slut way not in a sexy "you go gurl" bad bitch way.

Overall hate everyone but OG fl because she's trying to fuck over the annoying ML and FL. Think OG fl and ML should get together because they both suck and are therefore perfect for each other. Also it would show how shitty that shallow slut of a FL is because she knows jack shit about this guy other than the fact that he is rich and hot. but fucks him and gets jealous over other girls she doesn't even do anything for him other than have sex with him she like sew his clothes once but he's basically doing everything for her in return for having sex with her. Lets not forget to mention he likes her because "She's not like other girls"

Rest of the chapters are ads for a sketchy anime website.

    yforever125 July 24, 2023 1:00 pm

    I wanted to read based on how passionate this review is XD
    It IS really bad. Im accustomed to selfish, shitty, self-serving MLs.
    But when would authors realise that they cant jump into a concept without making sure your MC is likable. No one and i mean NO ONE likes an incompetent, passive, weak-minded MC that needs others to mind her.

    Also, I never understand why authors would choose the villainess for MCs to transmigrate and give them MOB personalities. She's A Villainess!! If you want to make her kind then fine! She can be arrogant, scheming, confident And Kind.
    If MC transmigrates into a villainess, let her have some villainess qualities.
    But if authors want to make MC act like a MOB, let her be a MOB!!

    CuriousGumWad July 24, 2023 4:04 pm

    The gold standard for villainess transmigration are "death is the only ending for the villainess" and "kill the villainess" because the MCs can't rely on anything or anyone but themselves because everyone thinks less of them and the only other people who don't only like them for their position or money moreover the only people who actually care about them are dead or not influential enough to help which makes it a real survival story as she has to fend for herself in what is essentially a den wolves that want to see her humilated, suffering, dead, transform into an obedient, dependent woman or just want to use her as a plaything. I like it even more if she doesn't inherit the special skills of the body she possesses because that helplessness makes it even more endearing as she doesn't have any stable relationships, power or assests she is essentially doomed become powerless and isolated but her perserverance and drive to survive to the end are so worth the read because they know damn well all the men are fickle they don't even bother with romance that they themselves intiate because the only time they ever bother with romantic relations is when THEY want to.

    Tldr I like it when villainess characters are helpless in almost every sense of the word but not stupid,naive or weak enough to just lie down and accept their demise.

    yforever125 July 24, 2023 6:38 pm
    The gold standard for villainess transmigration are "death is the only ending for the villainess" and "kill the villainess" because the MCs can't rely on anything or anyone but themselves because everyone think... CuriousGumWad

    Can everyone say amen!!!