I agree even if it kept the same ending I feel as though there needed to be some type of atonement even though it still would have just been to satisfy himself because really how do you even atone for using someone in that way that was already suffering from the choices of others and was never really given the chance to find themselves before meeting someone falling in love and even getting married

To me it was consistent, all this time she was already in love, he was the sole reason she ever wished for more than peace, and it was shown even after she got her "peace"/simple life she knew it wouldn't satisfy her anymore cuz she had already hoped for more
She was depressed, like real depression where nothing can bring you joy or hope anymore, she gaven up, she gave up to even think about scape (kill herself including) she had no hope about being happy nor even wanted it, at this stage even just wish that it all become less unbearable is unbearable itself and if she had been free from all the things who put her down in that state of mind it wouldn't make a difference cuz she would just "autosabotage" (everything demands effort from you and she didn't have strength to) so her relationship with ML even if it was all a lie it was enough for her to remember how to wish for more, and once she got "free" this was enough to make her more willing to put an effort, in a way if depression is the inanimate state where you are just hollow ML made her sad and this sadness, and everything involving it made her unsatisfied and being unsatisfied she was struggling when she could feel unhappy about the normal life, and for her enter a relationship was pursuing a battle towards happiness cuz again this is the only happiness she could hope for
To normal people who CAN feel hope for happiness everywhere is frustrating seeing her seek happiness in the trash (even if it was recicleble trash) when to a normal person she could just seek it elsewhere
the author dedicated a huge part of the story to make that all clear even the shadows analogy and all, but the fun about a well written story is reading it again and pick up a little bit more of the world the author created each time
I’m gonna be a party pooper I know but I don’t like how it ended. She was trying to get away from him 3 episodes ago, now they’re together all lovey dovey ?
It felt undeserved and underwhelming cause he treated her like trash and used her to get his revenge although he knew she was a victim. She escaped from him and went about her life for months / year. But because he felt guilty he came back and now HE has his happy ending ?
I would have preferred if she ditched him and went far away in another region. But I guess romance will always find its way.