"Why would anyone purposely read something knowing damn well it's dead dove and complain about it after? " You said complain, be more clear with what you're trying to convey because you aren't using the right words for what you mean. I do get what you mean but people dont need to expect anything of a work to complain about it, actively criticising shitty work makes people feel better. Like a weight off their shoulders per say? I mean the authors' deserve it so i dont understand why you felt the need to complain about people complaining about problematic works when you yourself said its problematic. Expressing your opinion differently from others is completely normal, i dont understand what the point of writing yours is and i dont have to, just like you dont get why people put the effort into complaining about trash. You dont need to understand lol its the inetrnet

Context clues but you're entitled to your own interpretation I guess. I understand that people want to complain and they're free to, but it doesn't stop it from coming off as very self-righteous. And just because something contains something problematic doesn't instantly mean the author is condoning it. Ever heard of the genre tragedy? Anyways, moral of the story: People preeching on an already illegal manga website are goofy LOL. At least that's what I was trying to get at.
I keep seeing people preeching about problematic works in the comments. Why would anyone purposely read something knowing damn well it's dead dove and complain about it after? Like what did they expect... I swear it wasn't always like this.