Chp. 9: I looooveee this!!

FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! July 22, 2023 2:24 pm

This is more realistic than any omegaverse story has ever portrayed. Let's get real, people cheat, follow their animal instincts, switch partners, have one-night stands etc. Hell, finding a soul mate is not as simple as love at first sight. Most times, you gotta be open-minded, kiss a few toads and wait for the one that turns into your prince. 'Nough said.

    Irene August 28, 2023 7:19 pm

    I don't know, that's a shitty excuse to cheat. If you are a decent enough human being, you won't cheat. Changing partners frequently doesn’t mean you are going to find out your soul mate either, lol. That makes no sense.