it's already 2023

kin ⋈ July 22, 2023 1:56 pm

seriously you guys, if there was even a slight hint of dead dove materials in a book that you're about to read, just don't read it. you guys are the one whose stubborn enough to still dip your feet in it. now when the story about to escalate to the kinda obvious turn, y'all start complaining smh

    sinnaboi July 22, 2023 2:29 pm

    NO LITERALLY title says shota and shota complainers still read it as if the story isnt gonna just be focusing on a literal shota (like.... if there was a tineskip it WOULDN'T be shota oni anymore)

    it was also their fault for literally projecting that wish of a timeskip in the first place when its obvious that there would be none and getting disappointed

    sam July 22, 2023 3:01 pm

    Its 2023 already, when will you ppl stop liking pedo stuff???

    Urwierdofujoshi July 22, 2023 3:18 pm
    NO LITERALLY title says shota and shota complainers still read it as if the story isnt gonna just be focusing on a literal shota (like.... if there was a tineskip it WOULDN'T be shota oni anymore)it was also th... sinnaboi

    oh god no your right....but ima still hope for a timeskip...I read it cause the cover was cite and when I clicked I didn't know what shota was so I didn't think anything of it....maybe its called shota oni cause of tsunamis feelings as a kid...I'm cool with that. It's fine for a kid to have feelings for someone's natural when I was a kid I had a crush on Shawn long as the person older doesn't respond to those feelings in kind...cause that's grooming. Ima keep hoping for a timeskip. I don't feel yuu has romantic feelings for Tsubasa I feel he only likes him as a big bro and is concerned for his feelings...I really hope I'm rightΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    kin ⋈ July 22, 2023 5:04 pm
    NO LITERALLY title says shota and shota complainers still read it as if the story isnt gonna just be focusing on a literal shota (like.... if there was a tineskip it WOULDN'T be shota oni anymore)it was also th... sinnaboi

    I KNOW RIGHT????? dunno why ppl don't understand the simplest thing. they're the one who's projecting what they want and get disappointed when it doesn't turned out to be the way they wanted. them and their expectation the only one to blame.

    kin ⋈ July 22, 2023 5:04 pm
    Its 2023 already, when will you ppl stop liking pedo stuff??? sam

    it's pixelated

    sinnaboi July 22, 2023 7:57 pm
    Its 2023 already, when will you ppl stop liking pedo stuff??? sam

    its 2023 already, learn to avoid this shit on your own

    sinnaboi July 22, 2023 8:04 pm
    I KNOW RIGHT????? dunno why ppl don't understand the simplest thing. they're the one who's projecting what they want and get disappointed when it doesn't turned out to be the way they wanted. them and their exp... kin ⋈

    you're based

    sam July 23, 2023 5:06 pm
    its 2023 already, learn to avoid this shit on your own sinnaboi

    That didn't answer my question but I didn't expect you to answer anyways so nvm. Not gonna waste my time arguing with a pedo.