I am myself very confused. Because he do not seems in love with the mc (more like he is obsessive with him , like superiority complex) And he do not seems in love with the pale dude either !! I don't know what to think, he was a good kid then but now, he's just a molester. Poor mc, the author have something against him ヽ(`Д´)ノ
I legit have no idea either. A lot of those twists are surprising and don't make much sense, at least with the context and information we were given. Currently we know the green hair has known the pale dude for a long time. He doesn't show it, except for a little in the flash back, but he has feelings for the pale guy. The pale guy has some sort of interest in the mc that probably borders on obessesion and frustration. Mc grew to hate him (mostly because of an incident that was a misunderstanding) and now likes green haired guy, who I have no fucking clue why he would molest mc, because of how hot and nice he's been. I think the pale guy likes having people subjugate to him but gets bored once he has them. He can't capture MC so he continues to chase and is annoyed by green hair but shows interest when he looses the feelings of green hair.
I read until chap 50. Really detailed spoilers here (I translated with google trad so sorry if it's badly said) :
In the past, the pale guy and the mc are each other's best friend and love each other secretly. The pale guy is jealous of the mc's family and will spread false rumors about the father's restaurant. The father will die "because" of the pale guy (accident). The mc realizes it and their friendship stops there. Back in the present (aroud chap 20) , pale guy and mc have a date in an amusement park. Green Hair followed them. The Mc's brother breaks his leg, the Mc runs to the hospital (it's green hair who takes him by car). Then, sudden rapprochement between Green Hair and mc who go to sleep together (real smut) then start a kind of romantic relationship (but we see that Green Hair is not sincere). The mc's brother sees them kissing and shows his incestuous and obsessive side towards his brother
The brother of the mc and green hair meets in a gym with the mc. Green hair and the brother are arguing. Green hair gives a blowjob to the mc in the toilet of the gym. Back at university, he talks with a girl who tells him about her love life. It makes him wonder what kind of relationship he has with green hair since they haven't said "I love you" to each other.
Subsequently, dude pale and Mc have a serious discussion. Dude pale admits to having nothing to do with the story of the restaurant's false rumor. It's was a classmate. Pale Hair also discovers that Mc and Green Hair slept together. The pale guy then explains to him that green hair has been in love with him for 10 years and that he sleeps with the mc to put himself between the two since he knows that the pale guy will never want to go out with him.
Pale Hair wanted to call Green Hair to join them. Mc cries and begs not to. Pale dude blackmails him and mc starts giving him a blowjob. The pale guy is not satisfied, (be careful, the next sentences can be sensitive, skip until next paragraph if it can traumatize you.) He rapes him without protection. Finally the mc does not seem traumatized or angry. He's just annoyed (which is really weird considering the way he's been treated: rape romanticization again...).
The pale guy is happy because he imagines the mc chose him instead of green hair. Then the brother is worried that he has no news so he calls green hair thinking they are together. When the brother asks green hair if he knows another friend of his brother, green hair shouts "he has no other friend than me".
The mc learns who attacked him during the evening of the school trip. It was green hair (no surprise here, but I really wonder WHY, which is even weirder given the rest of the story.) At the end of class, he asks green hair if he likes him to which he replies "of course" with an unconvincing facial expression. Mc does not confront him with what he has just learned.
Pale guy and green hair face off. Pale guy tells green hair he slept with the mc. Greenhair gets angry and gets down on his knees and finally tells him that he's really in love with the MC. The pale guy gets mad and tells him that he's going to kiss him to check if he's sure he doesn't love him anymore.
(A flashback begins on their childhoods.) Pale guy was beaten by his stepfather.
He asks green hair to steal a watch that belongs to his stepfather. When his stepfather yells at him and looks for the watch, the pale guy is super confident, until he realizes that green hair had put the watch away in his room. The father-in-law hits him violently. Following which green hair is very sad and "promises loyalty" to him.
Back to present. Green hair stop the kiss. (chap 50)