He is not a victim here. The guy was persistent but he is not resisting him when they kissed. But then he didnt like the feeling of the kiss and the guy's smell but didnt refused just accepted it. He even said in his mind ‘If I can do it with one person, why can't I do it with two?’
‘Anyway, once Jang Jae-young is gone, I'll have to find a new partner.’ - something like that. When the guy started feeling him in the crotch he resisted and guy bit him on the neck that's when Sangchoo pushed the guy away hence why they fought and how Jaeyoung found them

Hmm. I beg to disagree. Though he was thinking that way, he rejected the guy's advances after the kiss and the guy was still persistent, that was when he bit sang choo.But remember, he was drunk that time. Hence, he wasn't thinking straight. Anyone who is not in a right state of mind, cannot give consent. That will invalidate the consent he had given to the guy to kiss him. That will make him the victim in that situation as the guy took advantage of him while he was under the influence of alcohol.

Exactly! Haha I was about to leave the comment be coz I dont get the why they cant accept that Sangwoo did it on his own volition. Also, Im f*ckin 38y/o and had my fair share of drunken mistakes and one night stands. But not even once I blamed the other party saying he shouldve realized I was just drunk they should controlled themselves.. like? I was the one who gon get drunk on my own I shouldve been responsible to what happens to my sanity and my body. The moment I drink I made myself vulnerable ffs. There's no victim here, Sangwoo knows what he's doing.

just no. stop with the delusion and pull out the victim card on Sangwoo. You gonna eat your words when the official translations are out. The moment he opened his mouth to allow the kiss that's where it started, they were making out of course he will be touched somewhere. When he was held by the crotch that the time he realized he didnt want it. Ofc when he initially allowed the kiss the other party would think he was just hesitating or being shy. COZ AGAIN HE ALLOWED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. It just escalated coz Sangwoo pushed agressively (which is thank God is so realistic coz men are strong i dont get why they cant push or fight back in BLs)That proves that Sangwoo even if he had a few drinks can really refuse or still in the right mind to refuse even under the influence. Cut with the consent and under the influence crap. He is tipsy but he knows what he is doing

Yes, someone who is drunk willingly is responsible of what s/he did. However, knowing that someone is drunk, would you willingly do something you know s/he allowed while he ir she is intoxicated? Someone who does it has ulterior motive or just straight up trash. Knowing alcohol weakens the state of mind, would you be willing to do so? If you do, you just took advantage of someone's disability to think straight. This is an instance of sexual assault. As per the law, when drugs and alcohol are involved, clear consent cannot be obtained. An intoxicated person cannot give consent.

You may not be aware, but you can take back the consent once the person involve is not comfortable to continue something you both started. Once he said no, that is when the forceful act starts and it is not just a simple matter of consent or under the influence crap, that is sexual harrassment, which is a crime btw. So stop this mindset. Don't let people think that it is okay to do sexual acts with a drunken person just because he ALLOWED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Are you okay? Why are you so invested? lol. I may not be aware? How old are you? hahahaha I have experienced these kinds of situation more than the fingers of your both hand and feet combined. So I know what Im talking about. Dont bring your consent crap here. It's irrelevant in that chapter. Go experience life first instead of being invested in fictional characters.
we all gonna get mad at sang woo at the next chapters.
The guy earlier at the bar they made out. then they fought. then Jaeyoung found them. in the most recent chapter they are okay now