Anyway that's all the spoiler I've got.... y'all know that Silent lover 2 is basically a duplication of silent lover 1
And really, how could MC and ML fromsilent lover 1 not raise their damn kid so properly??? IS THE BLOOD CLOSER TO HIS FATHER????
Where did you read silent lover 2 if you don't mind....
I got the spoilers from other sites while I read the rest from SHUBAO(Just type the alternative raw name)Chinese Site using chrome's translation and let me tell you. UGH
Gurl got headache from all the inaccurateness but manageable, I survived somehow
I skipped a lot of chapters btw because the plot is technically the same as the first one
Anyway that's all the spoiler I've got.... y'all know that Silent lover 2 is basically a duplication of silent lover 1