
Yes he did! When he collapsed he got a bit of consciousness and arranged it. If I remember correctly that's the time when he is being brought to the hospital and while being looked at the hospital. Im kinda sad with this chasing scene bec tbh this was really exhausting on both parties. Especially for Hwan who is not used to this. His inner monologues you'll find him funny, prideful delusional, in denial and desperate for Haejin at the same time. I think that's the reason why I never came to hate the character even if he was a jerk in the first chapters
In my prev topic I said that I hope lot of details in the novel will be included in the manga. After I read the completed Spanish trans there a whole lot that was missed. Even how Haejin planned the helicopter escape. It was such a waste coz this is a good and satisfying story and Hwan's redemption arc is also good.