Why wouldn't it?it's not pedophilia the seme was a child he adored the uke that is taking care of him and had a bit of crush on him but when he was young it just looked adorable but now he is an Adult and acting the same that it looks intimate, some people have a crush on person that contunue to their adult stage you should'nt shame the people for who they love the younger seme is the one who did the first move to romance with the older uke not the oppisite if that was the case i wouldn't agree with it you're acting like this is some of the top shelf toxic manga that containes pedophilia murders and rape when it doesn't,there's actual nasty mangas that containes those things but you stay silent about it and you decide to bitch here? get a life

Not you speaking about "seme" and "uke" when they never has sex pleaaaaase dlekkxjrkekdb
You don't know if that person never spoke about others works which are problematic and even if they didn't, why would they read a problematic work just to trashtalk on it ??
The author knows very well that the puppy having a crush on the wolf is borderline as fuck, that's why they doesn't include it in the comic and just do fanarts about it. If you like seeing them as a romantic couple, do whatever but you also can understand how seeing a man and his adopted kid behind romantically involved is weird

I personally don’t have an opinion in this discourse either way, but I will correct you here and say that the author’s lofter discussed how the reason it isn’t in the comic is because of BL censorship for traditionally published comics in China, not because of the age gap. It was originally tagged/discussed as a “raising your top” genre in the original comics which is a popular trope before it was changed.

Bitch you didn't just tell me to get a life Wich I have and no I don't pass a blind eye I see it clearly and I know is wrong Wich you don't since you don't actually have a argument but just love is what it is ans you're a bitch if you don't like it like pedophilia is not a joke and is not something you can ship grooming isn't either and nobody did a move on nobody so sit you dumbass down and start acting like grown folk and not some girl that should belong in a asylum retard
I’m kinda surprised people are so shocked at the more fanservicy shippy stuff—the author has posted ship art on weibo and this is a pretty popular trope in Chinese BL. I doubt it’ll go that way in the comic itself but the author is definitely making these choices intentionally.