Art is Fantastic At Least

LeatherKitten July 20, 2023 3:51 am

Started off incredibly good but fell short the closer it got to the end. (In my completely personal opinion of course) Really wish the couple could have remained together and explored the world with each other instead of splitting up. Honestly, both had small worldviews and could have equally benefitted from the exposure, and grew as a pair that way. The journey would have been beautiful. *sigh* Them reuniting at the end felt unearned and kind of awkward and cold especially with them unable or unwilling to define their relationship from there on out. Maybe a bittersweet end was the whole point, but it just felt a little anticlimactic and left me a bit empty. I think I would have liked this story much more if it was a memoir of a lover who had died, rather than a lover who just decided to leave. Would have been a more impactful story maybe.

    eseseses July 21, 2023 2:13 am

    I can't believe that I've read this manga just one day after you've commented, like literally 24 hours later. I've had the urge of replying to you (I've never even commented on a manga before yet alone replying to someone) because I was reading the comments and feeling frustrated and alone about my thoughts of this manga. I even talked to myself, aloud, (talking myself aloud is a hobby of mine) how this story should've got to the end and I totally agree with you. Actually I loved the story. But it doesn't make any sense why they completely seperated as soon as they said goodbyes in the station. The story presented their love real and mutual but when you truly love someone (you have every right to pursue your dreams even if it means physically leaving you loved one behind) the instant choice or not choice just simply the flow of events wouldn't be completely breaking of in the case of long distance. I just wanted to see if they tried calling or meeting when it's holiday but there were indications of they didn't even try to carry on their relationship. Why? To me it means their love (actually more like Gene's love) isn't as sincere as it's shown in the beginning. Which is why I felt disappointed and empty like you are.

    LeatherKitten August 8, 2023 11:19 pm

    Bit of a late response here (sorry!) But, wow, what a relief it is for someone else to see where I’m coming from?? That last bit you said about them not even attempting to communicate after the split really hit the nail. That confused me so much, because as some one who has had long distance relationships (both romantic and regular friendships) never even sending a message or letter or two definitely feels unrealistic? I can’t understand that at all. Then we find out that OTHER mutual friends have been keeping in touch with either of them, but they can’t even check in on each other…? I just- didn’t understand that at all. Again, it’s possible there’s something deeper at play here in the story that I missed, but I just can’t ignore how I feel about it as a whole. Gotta be honest, you know? That’s just the life of a BL reader I suppose- you get some hits, and get some misses. Definitely isn’t the end of the world if one story doesn’t satisfy me. Haha

    Ely August 11, 2023 6:21 am

    I agree so much! I'd dare to say that it even felt out of character considering all the things they went through. Anticlimactic indeed, the last part of the story felt kind of empty and the separation unnecessary, I don't think it added anything to the plot or the characters' growth.

    SkadiSuede August 13, 2023 10:10 am

    Loved the story but that part, I agree, kind of bothered me and you explained it better than I could’ve. I thought there was gonna be a better explanation why Gene isn’t in Trevor’s life anymore - I even assumed he had died. Even after Gene left to pursue some other stuff, you’d think they’d at least keep in touch. Makes no sense why they couldn’t when even Karen did. Gene sent post cards to his family too and that’s why it feels a bit off that their next contact would be years and years later, and prompted only by a third person.

    Hmmm September 3, 2023 9:37 pm

    Omg thx! Ive been scrolling through the comments searching for someone who has the same thoughts as me. Actually I’m hoping for someone super smart to explain this confusing story to me and it’s message because I just feel super confused and empty after I finished it. Towards the beginning of this manga I already felt very uncomfortable with not just the huge age gap but also the huge difference in power dynamics. Gene was a homeless person who barely just turned into an adult though I’d say he definitely was still a kid struggling to find his identity and all that while Trevor was not just his employer but also considered his savior even god as gene said himself. The scene of genes confession towards Trevor was extremely unsettling to me because he didn’t initiate things with Trevor because he himself had the impulse to, neither did her say he loved him. What he did was giving his everything to Trevor not out of love but out of gratitude and maybe guilt which is very different from love. Love doesn’t have to be repayed and gene at that time didn’t know that, that he isn’t indebted or obligated to repay Trevor especially romantically/sexually. What shocked me even more in that moment is that Trevor actually went and made love to him after that extremely unsettling “confession”. It felt like he was taking advantage of genes naivety and inferiority. That’s what I felt but those are very very dark undertones and it didn’t seem like that’s what this story was trying to be so I thought that I might’ve misunderstood something here or simply don’t understand their love. Throughout the story Trevor definitely tried to make sure not to abuse his power towards gene but some of the things he did are still questionable to me. I might be wrong because I don’t understand much of the story myself but maybe this story is more about self love? Gene had to learn that it’s not selfish for him to go off and do his own thing even if that means leaving loved ones behind and he’s always best himself up over it. Trevor was the person who showed him that it’s fine for him to pursue his dreams and ambitions even if he gad to leave something else behind, Trevor actually let him go without making him feel guilty and I think Trevor himself also knew that gene didn’t love him in the way he loved gene. After all gene was still super young in the middle of finding himself, learning self love and exploring the world. Trevor was his first lover who was also his savior, gene staying with him forever would’ve held him back. Also if gene truly loved him romantically he would’ve missed him and maybe tried to keep in contact with him but ge didn’t and Trevor probably didn’t do it because he knew all that idk. I think in this relationship I would say Trevor did groom gene to an extent but he didn’t abuse him or manipulate him, he genuinely loved gene and though he might’ve done questionable things it felt like gene said, they just went with the flow and maybe Trevor himself wasn’t even completely sure about what he was doing. Maybe gene couldn’t quite love Trevor the way Trevor loved him because he considered himself inferior, considered Trevor his god and couldn’t even fully love himself. Besides he was still so young and inexperienced to be so sure on how he felt about Trevor or what he wanted in this relationship. But he obviously still considered Trevor a very important and special person in his life and now that he’s returned and gained all this life experience and figured out his identity and what he wants in life basically like the last text mentioned- is on eye level with Trevor now, they could maybe start over and actually develope a healthy genuine romantic relationship. If some actually red this far then props to you and I’m sorry for this huge text, I’m just letting my thoughts flow in hopes of figuring out what’s actually going on in this story and what the message is. I think the writing is good but the dark undertones that I personally perceived from it make me a bit uncomfortable and the ending because of how anticlimactic and open it is leaves me feeling empty.