Well, It’s Over Now (And I’m Glad It Is)

MonaLisaKindaLISA July 19, 2023 7:00 am

Now that the comment function is back, I’m here once again to revisit this piece of garbage. After I saw my previous comments talking the shit out of this manhwa.

I tried to re-read some chapters and read the chapters I haven’t seen before. And wow! Why did I do that to myself?! It’s just as bad as I remembered. And much even worse! I can’t believe that this thing got to be adapted into a manhwa in the first place, out of all the stories out there. Who approved of this?! Like, why?

Just how did Bella (MC) became so stupid?! Saying that she’s the only one who can make that shit of an ML miserable. Only for her to end up marrying him and basically giving that garbage his happy ending. Girl, just like one of the comment said before. The devil ate your pain and misery away, not your fucking brain. That devil even came out of nowhere. And for what? To take Bella’s pain and misery, so she doesn’t have any more reason to not be with the person who was the root of all of that in the first place. She even have a child with that trash! They tried to put out a side story reversing their roles only for that piece of shit to experience a fraction of what Bella went through. It’s not even satisfying to say the least. Don’t give me that shit and give me something that will make him really miserable. The possibilities are endless, yet you gave us that ending and some side stories no one even wants. I never wanted to see someone so miserable, but that trash deserves it, and more!

But enough about all of that. As much of a shitshow, a failure, and a huge fucking waste of time this story was. It helped me channel a lot of my negative emotions through here. And I think that this manhwa’s only purpose is just that. Not to be enjoyed, but to shit on.
